Accepted Weegie's GM Application

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New Member
Nov 11, 2023
In-Game Name: Weegie

Steam ID: WeegieNamja

Steam Profile Link:
Age: 29

Timezone: GMT+0

Hours Played on Server (Search on Gametracker): 36

Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned? If yes, explain in detail: Been playing GMod for years so was probably kicked back in 2016 or something. But nothing in the last few years.

Do you have any experience being staff on GMOD? If yes state what server, positions, and time period: I was a Head Admin for a WW1 Trench Warfare server. I was also an admin for an SCP server after Icefuse merged with UFN

Do you have experience with Simple Admin Mod commands? Roughly yes but would need a refresher as it's been so long

What can you bring to the Staff team?: My previous experience and creativity

Why would you like to join the PR staff team?: Really enjoy the server and the staff team have always been great to me

Why should we accept you over other applicants?: I like to map out events clearly. This makes it easy to follow and involves everyone while also utilising special squads, thus showing the importance of being in one of these squads.

Sample event (typed up event script): Event Title: Naboo VIP Rescue Gone Wild

So, there's a VIP Naboo diplomat who's super important for the Republic's future plans. The CIS pulled a sneaky one and ambushed him during some secret peace chit-chat. Now, he's stuck on Christophsis, which is pretty much Droid City right now. You and your squad? You're the go-to guys for a quick snatch-and-grab mission. But, as always, things get a bit messy.

Phase 1 - Crash Party:
You're cruising towards Christophsis, but boom! Ground fire! Your ride's a goner, and you crash-land right where the diplomat is located.
Shake off the crash, regroup, and fight off hordes of droids coming at you from every angle.

Phase 2 - Street Hustle:
Diplomat in tow, it's time to play dodge-the-droid through some serious wreckage. Streets are a mess, with droids on patrol and traps everywhere.
Goal: Get to this extraction spot across town without losing the diplomat.

Phase 3 - AA Nasty Surprise:
Made it to the pickup spot? Great, but oh wait, the CIS dropped a nasty surprise – anti-aircraft guns are live and kicking.
Here's the play: A few of you, the demolition heroes, sneak into a building a few streets away to shut down those pesky AA guns.
The rest? Stand ground, keep the diplomat safe. Fight off an ever growing presence of droids.

Phase 4 - Boom Room:
Demolition squad's up for some action. Fight your way to the control room, plant the boom, and skedaddle before the whole place goes kaboom.

Phase 5 - Hold the Line:
Demolition squad's back just in time. The droids are throwing everything they've got, including those hulking B2 super battle droids and vulture droids.
Hang tight till our gunships swing by for the grand escape.
Cover each other, get on those ships, and don't let any droid ruin this epic save.

What is one key thing that should be exercised while running an event? I believe that clarity and a strong briefing go a long way. Also understanding how the event ties into the wider story.

How often can you be online?: About 4-5 days a week

Do you have a working microphone?: Yes

Please state one reference (optional): Ricky Bobby
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Project Moderator
Sep 22, 2020
+1 lots of experience and he put a shit load of effort into this app. Very detailed event example. This is good


New Member
Nov 29, 2019
+1 event goes crazy ngl, havent talked to him much but the app looks good.
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