Accepted Paradox Gamemaster Application

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New Member
Apr 12, 2019
In-Game Name: Paradox
Steam ID: 76561198353325656

Steam Profile Link:

Age: 18
Timezone: EST

Hours Played on Server: 149.7 hrs

Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned? If yes, explain in detail: Yes, I found an infinite credit glitch with the stipend crates and got warned on a Riddick event by Riddick as I had 10 million credits, whereas the day before I had 3 million.

Do you have any experience being staff on GMOD? If yes state what server, positions, and time period: Yes, but it’s been a while now, so I will say no

Do you have experience with Simple Admin Mod commands?: Long time, so no.

What can you bring to the Staff team?: Activity, creativeness, in-between event-events, and randomness.

Why would you like to join the PR staff team?: I was on this server during the older days, and I fell in love with it. I rejoined a few months ago, joined the 212, and rediscovered the server in a whole new, better light. This made me want to help the server as much as I could as I heard there was a lack of GM’s. I want to help keep this server alive.

Why should we accept you over other applicants? I have a willingness and a want to improve and get better, along with the reason that I want to help the server thrive.

Sample event (typed up event script): Troops will be inserted via LAAT, with an ATTE and TX-130 into a ravine for a smash and grab turned denial operation in a war-torn republic planet. The CIS have been funneling resources to this base and the republic wants to know why they’re sending it here and not to a CIS owned world. Troopers will have to battle their way up to the base, fighting vultures, b-1's, b-2's/others, and find that there was an underground tunnel/railway, along with a prison camp. Troopers will find out that the prisoners were part of a clone taskforce sent to break CIS hold of the world beforehand, and they almost succeeded. Troopers will travel to the second location (map change) and after battling through to a CIS docking station, fighting a BX-guard opfor, and capturing a T-series tactical droid (alive) realize that the resources were being sent… somewhere in republic space. This is all happening with the aid of an unknown republic senator, building up for a next event. This next event would lead into where those supplies were being sent, and information about multiple rebel groups springing up on republic worlds seemingly out of nowhere.

What is one key thing that should be exercised while running an event?: Ability to change with people in the event. People are unpredictable, and if you aren’t prepared for that, then an event will fail, so allow for more freedom, yet stick to an overall script. Patience is also important, as you may want an event to go faster so you can actually show off your work to people. It takes time for good things to happen, so don't stress.

How often can you be online?: 4-7 days of the week.

Do you have a working microphone?: Yes, but some days I cannot get it to work.

Please state one reference (optional): Holden
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