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New Member
Dec 21, 2022
In-Game Name: Maximus

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:91991893

Steam Profile Link:

Age: 16
Timezone: PST

Hours Played on Server (Search on
Gametracker): Around 7 to 8 hours

Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned? If yes, explain in detail: kicked for rdm but was being shot at before hand

Do you have any experience being staff on GMOD? If yes state what server, positions, and time period: YES but i do not remember the server name i just know it was in like 2018 to 2017 but i was super admin

Do you have experience with Simple Admin Mod commands? YES

What can you bring to the Staff team?: A amazing member with a lot of patience and determinization to get the job done i am good with people and is pretty well known in the community as Kermit but got PKed for an event.

Why would you like to join the PR staff team?: to make the server better and to have amazing events to have so much fun and help with the server growth in general

Why should we accept you over other applicants?: i am determined to get the job done and help with this server as much as possible i ma a great person and can be very serious when need be

Sample event (typed up event script): it would start off at base we would get one TX and one LAAT we would be going to capture a CIS General. It starts off with us leaving the base and encountering nobody until we get about a quarter of the way there, a massive number of droids would appear and air support would be grounded because of a surprise AA cannon, we would move up slowly but would clear out everything, we would make it to the base and have still a lot of droids to deal with when we get to the General there would be a bomb that can't be diffused without the CIS generals passcode so we would have to interrogate them on the field which would be shocks job, sooner or later he would give up the code the bomb diffused and would EVAC out of there with the CIS General.

What is one key thing that should be exercised while running an event? patience is a something that should be exercised throughout an event at all times and information as well

How often can you be online?: mostly everyday i have school though so i can be on pretty much after 3:30pm PST

Do you have a working microphone?: YES A GREAT MIC

Please state one reference (optional): N/A


Project Trial Gamemaster
Nov 1, 2017
I had to do a double take when I saw that he put up an app.

- When you said you were well known in the community, you did not mention that it was because you killed the entire force before a mission started and had to be warned by staff for it.
- On top of this, you did not explain the reasoning for your PK.
- For the questions “Why would you like to join…” and “Why should we accept you over others” your answers are very generic and do not quite show what you can truly bring. I’m sure almost everyone can call themselves “determined” and that they “…want to help as much as possible” but these don’t shed light on specific things you bring to the table.
- Onto your sample event. In one word: Weak. There’s not a lot of substance and even less periods. The whole thing is one run-on sentence with very little going on. While a simple event is not bad, when it has no legs to stand on, you can’t cry when it falls over.
- In the app as a whole, there are numerous grammar and spelling mistakes which shows you did not take the time to reread your application. Some advice not just for this Gmod server, but for life in general, make sure to proofread applications as employers do not want to see spelling mistakes in an application.
- And yeah, you’ve shot me on multiple occasions.



Project Senior Game Master
Battalion Officer
Nov 12, 2018
The Middle East
Unfortunately at this time, we do not think you have what it takes for Gamemaster.
You may reapply after 1/10/22.
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