Ghost Staff App


New Member
Nov 28, 2024
In-Game Name: Ghost

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:601808219

Steam Profile Link:

Age: 20

Timezone: CST

Hours Played on Server: ~8 hours

Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned? If yes, explain in detail: Not on this server!

Do you have any experience being staff on GMOD? If yes, state what server, positions, and time period: Yes, SGN, former Head Gamemaster and SGN Leadership Team, I was also a member of the Server's high command as an Admiral and battalion leader
SGN GM: August 2023 - November 2024
SGN Leadership: November 2023 - April 2024
SGN Command Staff: September 2023 - April 2024

Do you have any weighing responsibilities that can prevent you from maintaining activity i.e. -staff on other servers, jobs, school etc...: Im in the Army, certain things i have to do are out of my control 100%

Do you have experience with Simple admin commands?: Yes

To list a few, what do you think are your greatest strengths?: Improv, learned from being a GM, listening to others, open to criticism, understanding my role and position compared to others

In Conjunction to the last question, what are you most weak at?: Im not the best at holding back (referring to pushing a server limit when i was a GM)

For what purpose are you applying for Support staff?: Logged into the server and genuinly fell in love with it, the events and way things seem to be ran are very enjoyable and nice.

(Optional) If your reason for applying was to accomadate change or fix something on the server, what would that be and how would you go about doing so?: n/a

What do you believe makes you stand out from other staff members/applicants?: Prior Experience and willingness to strive for more, motivated

Are you good at taking criticism?: I'd like to believe so.

How active can you be in a week? Hours & Days: Average day, about 4-8 hours, about 4-6 days a week

Do you have a working microphone?: Yes

Please state ONE reference (optional): n/a

Last edited by a moderator: Dec 1, 2021