Project Moderator
Map: gm_coolsnow
Mission #1: Strife on Orto Plutonia!
A distress signal is sent to the Renegade II, in which [insert officer name here] plays the message. A battle-worn Jedi is displayed in the midst of battle, in which the message states:
"This is General Obidiah of the Jedi Order! My forces have been severely defeated and I am in immediate need of reinforcements! If the CIS take control of Orto Plutonia, the Republic will lose its foothold in the Pantora System! If you are receiving this message, please send reinforcements! It's only a matter of tim---"
An explosion would disrupt the connection, in which the signal would be cut.
The officer that received the message will rally the forces of the Renegade II at the briefing room, stating that the mission at hand is to reinforce General Obidiah and push back the CIS forces.
This portion of the mission can take place anywhere on the map with a sizable distance away from the selected location of the CIS base and the ambush location. Have the troopers be surrounded by barricades and CIS droids. Have the session last as long as you would like.
The forces of the Renegade II reinforce General Obidiah and managed to push back the CIS back to their FOB. Though the battle had been won, there were more to come. General Obidiah would round up the troops as he would brief them on their next task:
"Thanks to the Renegade II and its troops, we managed to live to fight another day. But, our mission here is far from over. The CIS still has a tight foothold on this system with their forward operating base still operational. My reconnaissance group managed to receive intel about a vital supply convoy that is enroute towards the CIS forward operating base. If we can ambush and take out the convoy before it reaches the base, we will cripple them and we can easily take the base over. We'll be splitting up to take on the convoy from two sides. I will also be marking the rendezvous point on your head-up display. My group will be setting up explosives along the path and once they go off, that will be your signal to spring the trap. Any questions?" -Give troops time to ask any questions, if any- "Alright let's move out. Good luck, men."
This portion of the mission can take place anywhere with a good place to ambush (such as a valley) and a sizable distance away from the CIS base. Place explosives along the road in which the ambush will be taking place. Have 3 MTT's drive in a column through the ambush location and once close enough, ignite the explosives. Place CIS droids on the sides of the MTT's to retaliate. Have the MTT's me driven slowly away from the ambush location. If all 3 MTT's are destroyed, consider the mission portion a success. If any MTT's are left remaining, consider the portion a failure.
General Obidiah's group and the forces of the Renegade II managed to successfully/unsuccessfully take out the convoy. Depending on the outcome, the General will rally the troops and brief them on the next phase:
Successful Ambush
"Good, we managed to take out the convoy. The CIS won't be getting those supplies anytime soon, which means for now, they are severely weakened. We only have a short time window to strike the base. This will be a direct assault, so be prepared for that. Use any means necessary to take that base! Now let's double time it!"
Unsuccessful Ambush
"We weren't successful in taking out the convoy, which means that the CIS's forward operating base will be at their full strength. The next phase will be do or die, as we cannot afford to lose this system. We'll have to use some clever tactics to win this one. Come on, we don't have much time left."
This portion of the mission should take place at the chosen location of the CIS base. If the previous mission portion was a success, restrict the CIS droid spawns. If the previous mission portion was a failure, give the players a challenge. If the players manage to eliminate all droids in the base, consider the mission a success. If all players within the play area are eliminated, consider the mission a failure. Any dead players can return to the battlefield, but at least one person must be within the play area in order for the mission to continue.
General Obidiah's group and the forces of the Renegade II managed to successfully/unsuccessfully take over the CIS forward operating base, either pushing the CIS out of the system or giving up the Pantora system to the CIS. The General and his troops will follow you back to the Renegade II as their fleet was destroyed during the onslaught. Once on the ship, depending on the outcome, the General will debrief the mission:
Successful Raid
"I would like to thank you for your services. If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be able to take the system back. With Orto Plutonia back under Republic control, we will be able to liberate other Outer Rim planets under the grip of the CIS. Today is a good day men, thanks to the Renegade II. I will now give the floor to your officers."
Unsuccessful Raid
"Today is a sad day for the Republic. The CIS now has control over the fate of the Outer Rim. But, I am still in your debt. Without you, my troops and I will be among the many dead on the snowy planet. We will take Orto Plutonia, but today was not the day. I will now hand the floor over to your officers."
Once the debriefing is over, the General will ask for any officers online to meet at the third floor. Once the officers meet, the General will have a request:
"I would just like to thank you again for saving my life and the life of my remaining troops. We are deeply in your debt. But, I have another request for you. My forces are only a shell of what they used to be, in which I need to request more troops. But, the Jedi Order does not necessarily trust me with any more troops. All I am asking is to get your signatures to waive off my troops restrictions so that I may build up my legion again."
The officers have the choice of either signing or refusing to sign the holopad. The decision will affect future events within the arc.
Mission End
The event idea is up for anyone that wants to host it. I just wanted to throw an event idea out there. I have more events in store for this arc, but I just wanted to get some feedback on it. Happy trooping.
Map: gm_coolsnow
Mission #1: Strife on Orto Plutonia!
A distress signal is sent to the Renegade II, in which [insert officer name here] plays the message. A battle-worn Jedi is displayed in the midst of battle, in which the message states:

"This is General Obidiah of the Jedi Order! My forces have been severely defeated and I am in immediate need of reinforcements! If the CIS take control of Orto Plutonia, the Republic will lose its foothold in the Pantora System! If you are receiving this message, please send reinforcements! It's only a matter of tim---"
An explosion would disrupt the connection, in which the signal would be cut.
The officer that received the message will rally the forces of the Renegade II at the briefing room, stating that the mission at hand is to reinforce General Obidiah and push back the CIS forces.
This portion of the mission can take place anywhere on the map with a sizable distance away from the selected location of the CIS base and the ambush location. Have the troopers be surrounded by barricades and CIS droids. Have the session last as long as you would like.
The forces of the Renegade II reinforce General Obidiah and managed to push back the CIS back to their FOB. Though the battle had been won, there were more to come. General Obidiah would round up the troops as he would brief them on their next task:
"Thanks to the Renegade II and its troops, we managed to live to fight another day. But, our mission here is far from over. The CIS still has a tight foothold on this system with their forward operating base still operational. My reconnaissance group managed to receive intel about a vital supply convoy that is enroute towards the CIS forward operating base. If we can ambush and take out the convoy before it reaches the base, we will cripple them and we can easily take the base over. We'll be splitting up to take on the convoy from two sides. I will also be marking the rendezvous point on your head-up display. My group will be setting up explosives along the path and once they go off, that will be your signal to spring the trap. Any questions?" -Give troops time to ask any questions, if any- "Alright let's move out. Good luck, men."
This portion of the mission can take place anywhere with a good place to ambush (such as a valley) and a sizable distance away from the CIS base. Place explosives along the road in which the ambush will be taking place. Have 3 MTT's drive in a column through the ambush location and once close enough, ignite the explosives. Place CIS droids on the sides of the MTT's to retaliate. Have the MTT's me driven slowly away from the ambush location. If all 3 MTT's are destroyed, consider the mission portion a success. If any MTT's are left remaining, consider the portion a failure.
General Obidiah's group and the forces of the Renegade II managed to successfully/unsuccessfully take out the convoy. Depending on the outcome, the General will rally the troops and brief them on the next phase:
Successful Ambush
"Good, we managed to take out the convoy. The CIS won't be getting those supplies anytime soon, which means for now, they are severely weakened. We only have a short time window to strike the base. This will be a direct assault, so be prepared for that. Use any means necessary to take that base! Now let's double time it!"
Unsuccessful Ambush
"We weren't successful in taking out the convoy, which means that the CIS's forward operating base will be at their full strength. The next phase will be do or die, as we cannot afford to lose this system. We'll have to use some clever tactics to win this one. Come on, we don't have much time left."
This portion of the mission should take place at the chosen location of the CIS base. If the previous mission portion was a success, restrict the CIS droid spawns. If the previous mission portion was a failure, give the players a challenge. If the players manage to eliminate all droids in the base, consider the mission a success. If all players within the play area are eliminated, consider the mission a failure. Any dead players can return to the battlefield, but at least one person must be within the play area in order for the mission to continue.
General Obidiah's group and the forces of the Renegade II managed to successfully/unsuccessfully take over the CIS forward operating base, either pushing the CIS out of the system or giving up the Pantora system to the CIS. The General and his troops will follow you back to the Renegade II as their fleet was destroyed during the onslaught. Once on the ship, depending on the outcome, the General will debrief the mission:
Successful Raid
"I would like to thank you for your services. If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be able to take the system back. With Orto Plutonia back under Republic control, we will be able to liberate other Outer Rim planets under the grip of the CIS. Today is a good day men, thanks to the Renegade II. I will now give the floor to your officers."
Unsuccessful Raid
"Today is a sad day for the Republic. The CIS now has control over the fate of the Outer Rim. But, I am still in your debt. Without you, my troops and I will be among the many dead on the snowy planet. We will take Orto Plutonia, but today was not the day. I will now hand the floor over to your officers."
Once the debriefing is over, the General will ask for any officers online to meet at the third floor. Once the officers meet, the General will have a request:
"I would just like to thank you again for saving my life and the life of my remaining troops. We are deeply in your debt. But, I have another request for you. My forces are only a shell of what they used to be, in which I need to request more troops. But, the Jedi Order does not necessarily trust me with any more troops. All I am asking is to get your signatures to waive off my troops restrictions so that I may build up my legion again."
The officers have the choice of either signing or refusing to sign the holopad. The decision will affect future events within the arc.
Mission End
The event idea is up for anyone that wants to host it. I just wanted to throw an event idea out there. I have more events in store for this arc, but I just wanted to get some feedback on it. Happy trooping.