Cyborg Radriar's reapplication for GM

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Project Game Master
May 15, 2019
In-Game Name: Cyborg Radriar

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:5167955

Steam Profile Link:

Age: 20

Timezone: Eastern Coast

Hours Played on Server: 600 hrs +

Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned? If yes, explain in detail: Warned by sharp due to Republic Agent intro gone wrong and warned by archangel for doing a long mini event

Do you have any experience being staff on GMOD? If yes state what server,positions and time period: Yes, for PR as GM

Do you have experience with Serverguard commands? Some i remember but i'd need a refresher

What can you bring to the Staff team?: Its been a few months since i did the gm application and i had it closed. but ive talked to different staff and taken advise and notes on what i shouldn't do and what needs to be done in order to do GM, Quality over Quantity and good execution when it comes to an event.

Why would you like to join the PR staff team?: I want to try to make up for my mistakes in the past. I know I wasn't the best and had good/bad moments, i wanna try to make up for my errors and do better than i did for my 5 months from my past experience.

Why should we accept you over other applicants?: I shouldn't overall, I know the community did and didn't like the events i did. i made people upset from my big stuff i did and didn't focus on how people reacted, i was doing it too much i couldn't see it. though now i see what needs to be done and i want to better and build more to earn the communities trust again if i do GM again. Plus i know the demand for gm is high since server got back on. So i have experience.

Sample event (typed up event script):

What is one key thing that should be exercised while running an event? The quality of the event and execution. when running a event, you have to make sure it can do well and how good it can be. Plus also how players could react when they do your event. Also not doing over the top events with a story players can't keep up with.

How often can you be online?: New Schedule, any updates, staff can dm me

Mondays (3:30-9:00PM EST)

Tuesdays (3:30-9:00PM EST)

Wednesdays (3:30-6:30PM EST, only that long because I have duties as a firefighter)

Thursdays (3-9:00PM EST)

Fridays: (6:30PM-10:30PM EST)

Saturdays: (3:30PM-11:00PM EST)

Sundays (5:30PM-10:00PM EST)

Do you have a working microphone?: Yes, If staff knows how to use a voice changer properly, I would like help

Do you have a smartphone?: Yes

Please state one reference (optional):
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Active Member
Dec 31, 2017
Its been a few months now since Radriar was removed from the GM team. While people have their concerns with how Radriar handles criticism, I think that he has had alot of time to reflect over the months and knows how to act and what he should be focusing on. With the right guidance, I believe he can redeem himself as a GM and provide the server with some decent events.


Project Senior Staff Gamemaster
Battalion Officer
Feb 3, 2019
The Rice Fields
Why should we accept you over other applicants?: I shouldn't overall, I know the community did and didn't like the events i did. i made people upset from my big stuff i did and didn't focus on how people reacted, i was doing it too much i couldn't see it. though now i see what needs to be done and i want to better and build more to earn the communities trust again if i do GM again. Plus i know the demand for gm is high since server got back on. So i have experience.

You're stating that we shouldn't be accepting you over other applicants because of prior mistakes and how you handled certain situations. It's already a tough case trying to reapply after various applications that have been shot down or taken down yourself because you couldn't take the heat. Stating that you shouldn't be accepted completely destroys the confidence in this application. I appreciate your tenacity for applying and wanting to help out, but high demand of staff doesn't mean quality control doesn't exist. Your event seems very similar to that of the ones you have used in prior applications. Those samples have been pried into for rigid structure and peculiar line up that mirrors events you were bashed on for in the past.

This application among many others in the past definitely show that you are one that really desires to become a Gamemaster again. But the confidence and quality in this application ultimately sway me to a -1. The same concerns from the past come up yet again in this and both your sample event and references don't help. Two of these people aren't even staff and the rest are people that you are closely affiliated with making it pretty weak.


Active Member
Dec 6, 2018
^ Val pretty much said it all and what i wanted to say.


Active Member
Mar 21, 2019
California, United States of America
Although yes he might have made mistakes, but if people actually train people, like how I recently found out that some of the newer staff don’t know how to use some of the tools we have on the server. So give him a second chance, have him go through things, show him the stuff we have. Teach him the stuff that is required as a GM.


Project Game Master
May 15, 2019
You're stating that we shouldn't be accepting you over other applicants because of prior mistakes and how you handled certain situations. It's already a tough case trying to reapply after various applications that have been shot down or taken down yourself because you couldn't take the heat. Stating that you shouldn't be accepted completely destroys the confidence in this application. I appreciate your tenacity for applying and wanting to help out, but high demand of staff doesn't mean quality control doesn't exist. Your event seems very similar to that of the ones you have used in prior applications. Those samples have been pried into for rigid structure and peculiar line up that mirrors events you were bashed on for in the past.

This application among many others in the past definitely show that you are one that really desires to become a Gamemaster again. But the confidence and quality in this application ultimately sway me to a -1. The same concerns from the past come up yet again in this and both your sample event and references don't help. Two of these people aren't even staff and the rest are people that you are closely affiliated with making it pretty weak.
I understand I didn’t have much confidence as I did back then. But if you feel that way, I will accept your decision and will respect it. I will listen to everyone’s concerns, comments & feedback and listen rather than attack people. Also my event in the script was inspired by the movie unstoppable with Denzel Washington and Chris pines


Active Member
Jul 8, 2019
Although yes he might have made mistakes, but if people actually train people, like how I recently found out that some of the newer staff don’t know how to use some of the tools we have on the server. So give him a second chance, have him go through things, show him the stuff we have. Teach him the stuff that is required as a GM.


Oct 4, 2019
1. Not gonna say much about your character as everyone deserves the chance to better themselves and you have acted pretty good so far.
2. I feel like you re read and checked for any weird phrasing, errors, ext. that this would have come out a bit better and feel a bit less rushed but if you have good ideas and knowledge then that small stuff won’t matter a lot.
3. The characters in your event are kinda bland but if you get a good voice actor for him it could be good. The event does seem to have lots of changes in scenery and a constant switch between defense and offense which will keep it interesting.

For the vote I’m leaning to the plus one but I’m still unsure.


Project Game Master
May 15, 2019
1. Not gonna say much about your character as everyone deserves the chance to better themselves and you have acted pretty good so far.
2. I feel like you re read and checked for any weird phrasing, errors, ext. that this would have come out a bit better and feel a bit less rushed but if you have good ideas and knowledge then that small stuff won’t matter a lot.
3. The characters in your event are kinda bland but if you get a good voice actor for him it could be good. The event does seem to have lots of changes in scenery and a constant switch between defense and offense which will keep it interesting.

For the vote I’m leaning to the plus one but I’m still unsure.
That’s actually my plan, I plan on doing events that lead up to a story event. Like 5-6 events I would do base attacks, gather intel, blow stuff up, rescue. That all leads up. But of course I won’t do 3 events a week like I did. I notice players got tired of that when I did that so now I know don’t do too many


Project Senior Staff Gamemaster
Oct 26, 2018

You have returned once again and, however, after reading this application I still don’t think you are completely ready for this, yet, I shall explain the reasons why. What you can bring is a good start that you have an understanding of what it means to be a good GM. However, the reason why you should be chosen over the other apps confuses me. If you shouldn’t then what was the point of this application? Your event seems iffy to me, your scripted events seem ok but all of this secret weapon stuff and the plot twist doesn’t fill me with the relief I was expecting. Every series doesn’t need to revolve around or has to involve a secret weapon. Granted, some GMs do it from time to time but there is reason and it is planned out very well. Your grasp on what needs to be exercised during events is also a good step, I am glad that you have taken the time to understand about these things. My final verdict is that you still need some more time to learn, there are a few problems I spot here and there. Do not let this discourage you as you can apply another time, but now? I do not believe you are still fit enough to become a GM, you need much learning. However, I do not think it wouldn’t hurt making you support staff, for you to help other people’s events and have a further more stronger grasp on what should be done and what shouldn’t. Others may disagree with my words and I can understand. That is all I have to say


Active Member
Jan 16, 2019

I agree with what everyone else said, but let me put it in my own words.

Your GM app makes you seem like you doubt yourself and your abilities. I feel as if this may push you to make more mistakes than you would otherwise. You're also putting yourself down a decent bit in your app, especially in the "Why should we choose you over other applicants" section, which tells me that you may not be ready to handle the position again.
Overall, the application is fairly lacking besides what was mentioned. There's not a lot of information and it doesn't seem like you understood the point of some of the questions (the "What can you bring to the staff team" question in particular, where you mainly stated that you had received criticism from some members of staff/players.)
Finally, you said that your event idea was based on a movie, and that's very apparent. To me, it seems more like you're giving me a verbal summary of the movie rather than throwing down your own unique event idea. Taking inspiration is fine, but it should evolve into something special.

I believe that you do have what it takes to be a good GM for PR, especially with proper training from the GMs who are currently here, but attitude is something that can't really be trained. You have to change that yourself.


Jan 13, 2020
United States of America
+1 First off confirming reference. Second off, radriar shows desire to be apart of the GM community again. He has had time to reflect like Ion said on past issues. And with the right training and guidance he could make a pretty good GM. Though one issues i have was the “why should you be accepted over other applicants” answer, needs to bring in more confidence if he is accepted.


Active Member
Nov 22, 2017
United States of America
-1 Look I'm sure your intentions are good and you desire to be on the team but every time you've applied or considered applying you've shown that you haven't exactly learned anything. I don't see this time being any different as every previous attempt to help guide you has basically ended in you trying to defend yourself rather than learning from criticism.
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