Practice Family Lore (Mal Practice, Mel Practice, Millie Practice, Senator Cerria Avan)


New Member
Mar 27, 2023
The Practice family is a well-established line of doctors, medical professionals, medics and nurses throughout not just Coruscant but the galaxy as a whole. Practice Enterprises oversees the hospitals, as well as multiple businesses and mining operations. They are a part of Coruscant's elite families, the cream of the crop of the 1%. Mal, Mel's and Millie's lives were comfortable, but their parents always knew that in order to keep their wealth, they must save. They never splurged on big gifts or activites such as gambling or bar hopping; they were conservative with their funds and knew how to judge the market around them. So their wealth is....let's just say, massive. Being able to pay for a huge bill is something they're able to do, plus philanthropy and donations are practices they do constantly. They don't deal with fraud. The Practice family funds a lot of Renegade Company's missions.

Mal Practice and Mel Practice are twins. Mal is currently a SCPO within Renegade and a part of the Republic Navy. She is a combat medic and medically certified, and she has been through hell and back trying to save her friends and family. She is engaged to the clone trooper Soren, who she met through Renegade and fell in love with. She is kind, courageous, inventive and damn good at her job, although she has a tendency to get hurt a lot. She tends to keep a diary with her, detailing her experiences and other crazy happenings around base.
She has had her body completely replaced by Mirage Company, spent almost three months in a CIS prison camp, helped save the lives of multiple vital members of Renegade Company, helped Skarband go against Berserker, General Shepherd and Makarov.

Mel Practice is Mal's twin and the more ornery one of the two. She betrayed the Republic for the CIS and attempted to hunt down Renegade, but her plan severely backfired. She was paralyzed and killed, her consciousness transported to a new 3D printed body provided by Mirage Company. With Mel in her new body, she realized just how much legal trouble she was in. Three life sentences. However, Senator Cerria Avan went to the Republic and Mirage Company and plead her case for Mel's reduced sentence. Mel's sentence was reduced to one lifetime and a half, sent to Kuat as a shipbuilder and a frontline soldier/medic during the Shadow War. She lost her left arm and right leg through an accident and fighting, respectively. Dr. Richtofen is Mel's overseer/boss and makes sure that Mel behaves, with a shock collar and ankle monitor (blame Mowg for that).

Millie Practice is Mal and Mel's cousin on their dad's side. She works with the Republic and helps out whenever Mal gets injured or when Mal's away. She's chatty, confident, friendly and often questions Renegade's stupidity. However, she does her best to make sure that Renegade does their job effectively!

All three of the Practices know Senator Cerria Avan as a childhood friend before Cerria ran for Senator on Kuat. Senator Avan is kind, dutiful, respectful and cunning. She knows how to play the political game well for the good of the Republic. She also has trained herself in combat, defeating the "clone" Mirage who happened to be a Trandosian. She works with Mirage Company and with Renegade, knowing that the ever-going fight against the CIS is one that the Republic MUST win.

OOC: To see Mal's diary entries, click this link:
To see Mal's helmet cam footage (aka YouTube), click this link: