“Shadow of the Pathfinder” part 1 [revamped]

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CC-6653 Kane

Sep 28, 2017
United States of America
Briefing: Alright troops, We’ve just recently found out recently from a Republic agent that Kane is MIA(missing in action) along with his unit. He is requesting our help in the investigation in finding Kane, you probably read the reports that the ‘Pathfinder’ a Venator that Kane and most members of his squad were survivors of. Well it is seemingly back from the dead. Now, While high command (commanders, navy, Jedi) help the agent with his investigation. You will resume duty’s as usual. We will call you back once we’ve found something worthwhile.

Phase 1: The agent will board the Venator, and goes to the bridge with the rest of high command, the agent would talk about all the information on the investigation.

Agent: “it is day 12 of the investigation, We’ve learned very little but lost many troopers.”

[Agent shows them Helmet cam footage,details which can be found on Kanes bio. http://www.projectrenegade.net/threads/service-file-ct-6653-kane.268/ ]

Agent: “We’ve also idenified the dead troopers that we sent on day 2 of our investigation.”

CT-2742(Squad Lead) (Deceased)

Agent: “Based on what we know, this is not a isolated event. It is most likely organized crime organizations waiting to get a punch at the Republic. Kane and his unit being the perfect targets, We believe Nar-Shadda is the best place to start, no matter the risk of deploying troopers is.”

The troopers are called to MHB to deploy to Nar-Shadda. Once everyone loads in. The troopers are ordered to simply patrol the city. While the agent and some troopers (doesn’t really matter the rank) investigate. The agent and the troopers go to the bar and talk to the same robot bar tender as from the Bio, but he claims that his owners are law abiding citizens. And would never do such a thing. The droid attempts to do the same thing it did with the first squad, but it also draws a gun when the gunmen showed up. a massive fire fight erupts in the bar, most likely resulting in the death of all the criminals. Once the hostiles are down, the agent would take the remaining troopers (if any died) to find the boss, but they find that he is not here. But a bomb takes the bosses place, and the agent and his men must run before the building explodes, a violent explosion rocks the city. While they recover, the rest of the Troops are attacked by Droids, after finishing destroying the droids. The Renegade gets an order to fall back once they recover data from the Republic base that will help in the investigation. They [should] successfully get the data and return to the Renegade.

Debrief: “alright men, after our investigation and peace keeping on Nar-Shadda, we have found information to the whereabouts of Kane and his men. Problem is that it will take awhile to decode, the agent will bring it with him and decode it. Once he is done, he will return and we will see what we found.” [unimportant debrief business]

[this is a story Arc, it will be 2 parts most likely]