The Siege of Celith


New Member
Mar 6, 2020

In the last year of the Clone Wars, the Republic would be pushing into Separatist territory, capturing worlds and ensuring their factories were used to fuel their own war effort. During this time, Republic scouts discovered the world of Celith and now plan on taking it for its vast resources and industry…

At a space station in Hutt Space, a fleet of ships prepare for what is to be a hard fight. On the flagship, a venator named the Spearhead, the top heads of the invasion gather to plan their attack.

“...they have a tight defense over orbit, including two Providence-Class, several Recusant-Class, two Lucrehulks and five Munificents...” a clone officer says as a woman enters the briefing room, a lightsaber at her side. “...and our own fleet only has four Venator-Class, a handful of Arquitens-Class, several Acclamator-Class and three heavy cruiser Dreadnaughts.'' With his report done, a man wearing a similar uniform nods his head. He wore the same grey, dreary color but his rank was that of an Admiral. He waved his hand and nodded towards the woman as the officers and soldiers saluted.

“Welcome, General, we just started the briefing, so far our opposition will be tough, but we can manage it as half their force was sent to strengthen Grievous’s main fleet.” He pointed at the holo-map, “Their command ship is one of the Lucrehulks in their defense fleet, but we are uncertain which one of the two it is.” The map highlighted both Lucrehulks as the others waited for a response. “Understood Admiral, what is our fighter number compared to theirs?” She asked, leaning over the table as the holo-map changed.

“We should be at equal standing but since we are invading, they’ll have their militia's fighters launch from the surface to aid their defense fleet, but our intel suggests their prime minister is one of the top minds on their planet. He might hold the fighters on the ground and have us battle with their fleet.” On the map it shows a few images representing their fighters and the enemies, flying around each other simulating the battle. “The defense fleet is the least of our problems, general.” A clone lieutenant spoke up, “Intel says that the local government has stepped up conscription and have their own standing armies alongside their droid forces.” “Meaning that their numbers are either doubled or worse, tripled than what intelligence had determined.” The woman finished his statement, nodding her head as she turned her attention towards the viewing glass of the bridge. “Gentlemen, we are tasked with taking this planet and though the odds seem to be against us, I trust in all of us that we can pull through and break their defense and eventually, seize this planet from control of the Separatists.” The admiral and clones clapped, some gave a little cheer as the woman went back to the table, “The council gave us this mission so we can relieve our forces and ensure the main Separatist armies could not use Celith’s industrial capabilities to continue this dreadful war. May the Force be with us as we go through with this.”

The admiral nodded, patting her on the back as the lieutenant smiled. “Agreed general, we’ll have that planet before we know it.” “And perhaps with it taken, the war may come to an end sooner.” The admiral chimed in as the jedi and clone returned their attention to the holo-map…

-- -- -- -- --

The sun rose over the horizon, people began flooding the streets. Large transports came and went delivering cargo, smaller civilian ships zipped past them on their daily route taking workers from the housing districts to the industrial sectors. Life on Celith was calm as the planet was not on the frontlines of the war and their factories pumped out war material including droids, weapons and vehicles as well as civilian goods, luxuries and service droids for day to day maintenance.

Since the start of the war, Celith was one of the many few that voted to secede from the Republic, and devoted their resources to the war effort in order to ensure their freedoms and ideals would be protected once the Clone Wars erupted. Celith was ruled by a nobility, with a council dedicated to representing the people who elected them into their positions from the various states that made up the planet. Now, with the Republic entering Separatist space and pushing them back, the planet began to prepare for an invasion…

Inside a room, surrounding a round table, a group of men and women sat arguing amongst each other as commando droids stood guard at the doors. “...the Republic would not dare invade Celith. Our defenses are too strong, we have millions of battle droids and we have an industry to keep pumping out droid forces if need be.” “-As well as hundreds of thousands of brave patriots who have already enlisted into the militia to defend their home planet.” “A Republic invasion is unlikely, and to think you and your-” Yelling and bickering at the opposing side were a handful of representatives, some old and some young, but they consisted of those who believed they were invincible since Celith had always been an untouchable planet, even in the days of the Old Republic. Their other half were made up of mostly younger representatives that had recently been voted in a few months prior. Their paranoia of a Republic invasion was due to the devastating loss on Umbara, and ever since they’ve brought up the matter of calling back the detachment of their ships they had sent to General Grievous’s main fleet. However, their attempts at calling back their fleets was denied as Count Dooku always had a hand in ensuring their detachment stayed.

“Representative Almune, I respectfully ask you to sit down and wait for the Prime Minister to arrive before you plague us with your unruly voice. In fact I think-” Before Laura could finish her sentence, the doors opened and the prime minister stepped into the room. Up on their feet, they bowed as he entered, behind him, the Empress and her super tactical droid followed in along with her royal guard.

“Representatives, I hope you all are discussing the betterment of Celith and not bickering amongst yourselves like last time.” His tone was serious but his demeanor was hard to read as he both looked concerned and relaxed. “Yamato here has intercepted communications from Hutt Space.” Silence followed until a burly representative on Almune’s side spoke up. “Prime Minister, what does a Hutt’s transmission have to do with-” “The message intercepted was not from a Hutt, Representative Stikman… Yamato, brief the council on what you had decrypted.” Following orders, the droid stepped forward and inserted a metal rod into the console. In front of their eyes, the council watched the holo-projector display a jedi knight and a Republic admiral along with a clone trooper. Together, they watched the transmission play out.

This is Jedi Knight D'leanne Persoy, reporting to the Jedi Council. Preparations for the invasion are nearly complete. One question I have is would we be able to procure two more venators and some more clone battalions to assist us as our forces may not be enough to capture the planet.” The two stand still as they get their reply from an unknown person. “More clone reinforcements you ask, receive you shall. Capture the planet you must. End the Clone Wars soon, we will.” As the transmission played out, a council member raises her voice, causing Yamato to pause the recording. “What does any of this have to do with us?” Their voice held a hint of fear, making her fellow peers murmur as they waited for the prime minister to answer. “Yamato, keep playing the recording so they will understand the situation we are in.” The droid nods as the room hushes.

...the planet of Celith is one of strategic importance, Knight Persoy, their industry and resources are aiding the Separatist’s war effort and must be captured if we are to ever get near the end of this dreadful war.” The jedi bowed as the admiral saluted before the recording stopped there. Immediately the room erupted into chaos as half of the room began shouting allegations and boasting how they were in the right while the other half began panicking at the news that the Republic was going to invade Celith. The service droids and palace guards attempted to restore order to the room but could not until the empress cleared her throat and stood from her seat. She made her way towards her podium as Yamato moved out of her way. Her movements were elegant and it captivated the room as even in her young age, she held such authority and knew how to take command of a room, even if it were with unruly politicians. At the podium, her guards saluted as they did their signature royal salute. Several probe droids flew around her as it was rare for the head of the noble family to ever speak so publicly unless it was something of importance.

Before speaking, the prime minister pressed a button signaling the probe droids to begin broadcasting to the entire planet. Soon, across Celith, she was on display for the masses to see. Even in the factories, production stopped as the workers turned their attention to their empress.

“My brothers and sisters of Celith.” She began her speech, revealing her voice to the people who had never heard her speak before. Their eyes widened as she continued on. “I come to you with breaking news that we intercepted from the Republic.” Her expression changed as it shifted from one of warmth to pain as a small frown formed on her face. “The dreaded senate and the Jedi Council have ordered an invasion of Celith- Our home. They have already begun to mobilize and dare to use Hutt Space to try and hide their sinister plans.” She paused, allowing the people to take in that an invasion was soon to come to their planet; their home. “But the light shall always reveal what lies in the dark, and their plot was revealed to us before they could act. So I come to you brothers and sisters, that it is time to take up arms once again instead of relying on our battle droids to defend our homes, let us show the Republic that we are willing to resist their pitiful invasion!” In the streets some people gave a little cheer, but the idea of war coming to their planet still sat over them like a weighted blanket. “I ask you all to recall when the Republic gave us ridiculous taxes and when we voiced our words, they denied us any say due to our status as an Outer Rim World?” This question grabbed their attention, some nodded while others murmured as they listened on. “Do you recall when they sent Jedi knights and a task force to pacify our government? Which resulted in the death of my brother, our beloved crowned heir?” She continued, bringing up the atrocities that the Republic committed against them, turning silent nodding to verbal “yes’s” and soon, cries of pain as the grievances towards them were stacked but soon, the tipping point came. “And do you recall when my mother and father went to the senate to proclaim neutrality at the beginning of the war but as their cruiser neared Coruscant they were annihilated by their fleet? Do you recall them massacring not just my family, but members of your families as well? Have we forgotten what the Republic has done to us, the blood that is on their hands is immeasurable and cannot be forgiven!” These words caused the people to forget the fears they once had, the concerns that lurked in the back of their heads no longer remained. The only thing in their heads was the patriotic emotions they had been fed. “Brothers and sisters of Celith, the time is now. The Republic wishes to take our home from us, but we will make them pay for every inch of ground that they may take. Whether it be from your homes you fight or in the factories that produce the millions of armaments for our armies, we shall prevail. Glory to the Kingdom of Audaiya! Glory to Celith!” In the streets, the people cheered as they embraced one another. Masses made their way to the recruitment offices, present militia members dawned on their uniforms and the droids began marching to their positions in anticipation for the invasion. In the factories, workers gave a rallying cry as they resumed working and some went into overtime. Across the planet, thousands of millions now lined up to join the Militia and others pressed for longer hours in the factories to contribute to what would be the battle for their home…

-- -- -- -- --

On the Spearhead’s bridge, D’leanne stands with the admiral and lieutenant as she feels through the force the cries of millions that sends chills down her back. She holds her head causing the clone to steady her as she stands. “Something wrong, general?” He asks as the admiral gives orders to the crew leaving him to care for her. “I just… it felt like there were millions of voices, all of them eager to fight.” She looks at the clone longingly but then shakes her head and stands straight, hiding face as her cheeks turn a bit red. “Just be prepared lieutenant, the Celithians are most likely aware that we are mobilizing an invasion against them so… be careful when we get there and don’t rush in head first like you always do, am I understood, Trace?” She turns and gives him a stern look as he stands at attention. “Wouldn’t think of it, General. Let's just get our boys down there and into the fight, ain’t that right, Davos?” He smirked as the young admiral turned and nodded. “Indeed, Trace. I also concur with General Persoy here, we have some reports that the Empress of Celith has rallied her people in preparation of a Republic invasion. How they found out our plans is something to me, but we must remain on schedule.” “Yes, every second we waste is allowing for the Celithians to fuel the Separatist war machine.” Davos and Persoy along with Trace stood together at the helm, watching the various crafts come and go from the main hangar bay.

In the next few days, Persoy and the 715th would prepare for the invasion as elements of the 101st, 293rd and 38th Legion were dispatched to reinforce their forces. On Celith, the Kingdom of Audaiya continuously pumped more and more droids from their factories along with weapons, vehicles and munitions not just for the droids but for their ever growing militia whose numbers soared overnight.

The Siege of Celith would be a costly one for both sides…


New Member
Mar 6, 2020
Chapter One:

In Hutt Space, the Spearhead and the rest of its fleet fall in formation, preparing to jump into hyperspace. All across the fleet, confirmations from each ship were sent to the flagship. All they could do now was charge up the hyperdrive and wait for the command.

On Celith, a few more ships were flown from the surface to aid the defense fleet, manned by the enlisted Militia who were under the command of a super tactical droid. Bolstering the fleet, the people of Celith and their droids prepared for the Republic attack, filled with both hope and determination that they may remain free from the tyrannical rule of the Senate.

“Soldiers of the Republic. My fellow brothers in arms. We embark on a mission to seize one of the many planets that fuels the Separatist war effort. If we are to see an end to this war, we must seize their means of production.” “Indeed as you say, general, we leave on your command.” Davos says as Leanna begins, “Thank you admiral. I guarantee that with the capture of Celith, we can bring this war to an end and live in peace once again. With me, for the Republic!” With that, the ships entered hyperspace, leaving the supply station and beginning what is to be the end.

-- --

Onboard the flagship, a Lucrehulk named the Defiant, a super tactical droid hastily plans their defense formation for when the Republic arrives. Alongside him was a Militia officer, wearing the rank of captain. “Agato, we have little time before the Republic arrives. Let us coordinate our defense.” Agreeing, the droid stands and displays his calculations on a holo-map. “I calculate that the Republic forces will immediately launch all fighters once they enter the system.” Images of venators appear and take position on the far side of the map. “They will most likely use their long range weapons as they near us.” The officer shakes his head, pointing. “That seems illogical, the Republic has an advantage of easy supply since they control the connecting system. I predict they will jump in and push forward, using their light cruisers to flank us. I believe it would be wise if we bolster our planks and focus firing center-front.” He arranges the holographic ships into his formation and presents them to the droid. “Your calculation is not flawed, Niphor and I concur. From what our intelligence gathered on the invasion fleet, they have a Jedi star-cruiser meaning they will have a Jedi at their command. From the archives, the Jedi have always been ones to use such tactics. I shall have some cruisers guard the flanks as you suggest.” The officer nodded as the two finalized their defense and in the nick of time too.

In front of their eyes, an entire Republic fleet jumped into the system and began the attack. Fighters launched from the hangers of the venators as light cruisers broke off from the main force to do as the officer had predicted. “Launch all fighters, we must repel this invasion. As the empress commands.” On the hulls and hangers of the Separatist ships, vulture droids and tri-fighters took off from the hangar-bays along with hyena bombers flying closely behind. Streaks of blue and red flew through the open space between the two massive fleets.

-- --

“This is the Greenhorns, taking off, general!” A voice emits through the console as more echo through other various parts to different naval officers. “Hydra Squadron taking off, let’s scrap some droids!” Leanna watched from the bridge as hundreds of fighters took off from their hangars, possibly not returning but shook the feeling away as the battle commenced. “All fighters, attack their flanks and ensure their bombers do not reach us!” Davos barked into the consoles as the squad leads acknowledged his order. The venator would shake as heavy blasts shook the ship. An officer yells out, "Sir, the enemy’s flanks are well guarded and few of our light cruisers have already sustained heavy damage!" Snarling, the admiral barks new orders as vultures and tri-fighters swoop around the bridge, being chased by a squad of Z-95’s.

-- --

Soon the Republic ships neared the first line of defense and soon broadside fighting took place as fighters zoomed over the larger vessels, fighting for supremacy. The tide would soon be balanced as a carrier providence ascended from the planet below, releasing its manned fighters and bombers. “All Militia pilots take off and aid our forces in repelling the Republic from our space. Remember what we fight for!”

In the hangar bays, pilots rushed to their crafts and launched while shouting war cries as they took off. “For Celith!” A squadron takes off and flies past their ship and soon are surrounded by both allies and enemies as red and blue fly towards opposing ships sending debris flying. Breaking off they take on some Z-95s while being tailed by other Republic crafts.

I calculate the Republic have reinforcements on the way.” Atago states while drawing up his predictions and presenting them on the holo-board. “Their tactic of pushing forward leads me to believe that they have the means to suffer some losses thus why they are thrusting their main force into our lines.” Niphor took in what the droid said, looking out towards the battle and as if on cue, two venators and a few light cruisers entered into the system and began deploying fighters.

-- --

“General, the 38th’s fleet has arrived on schedule. With their assistance we may turn the battle to our favor.” Trace said as they heard the zooming of fighters pass them. In the distance a Y-Wing squadron reported to the Spearhead. “Admiral, this is Lancer Squad, we’ve managed to get past the swarm of vultures and are headed for their capital ships. Requesting fighter support.” “Understood, Cluster, diverting the Greenhorns to your location. Ensure our ground forces have a clear path to take a landing area for our forces.”

His reply was an explosion off in the distance as a providence ship began teetering forward and falling from its position. “All light cruisers and fighters, there is a breach in their line, push through there and break their defense!” Davos ordered. Soon, an Arquitens cruiser flew in and began wreaking havoc on an unprepared munificent that soon it too followed the providence.

-- --

Atago and Niphor watched in despair as their lines began to break. Republic Y-wings now headed towards the Lucrehulk next to theirs, unable to stop them from bombing it. Behind them, their holo-communication table lit up with the prime minister standing there. “Atago, Niphor, report. What is the status of the defense?” His words were followed by a rumble as the Republic venators began targeting the larger ships as the front line of the munificents fell apart and the providence ships could only provide so much fire to draw their attention. “Minister Inoda, the Republic fleet has caught us outnumbered. Reinforcements have bolstered their push and our lines are crumbling.” Atago stated as another rumble shook the ship. “I see. Captain Niphor, how’re the Militia reserves doing?” “They are managing for now but with the addition of the Republic’s reinforcements, they will face casualties soon.”

Amidst the battle, a Recusant destroyer was being concentrated on by two venators, desperately trying to escape the jaws but with one well aimed shot, the munitions kept by the cannons was hit, causing the ship to explode, sending debris everywhere. On the Defiant Atago began running calculations as Inoda and Niphor discussed the situation. The battle was soon to end and not in their favor…

-- --

Leanna walked with Trace as the two made their way to the main hangar. Inside walkers were attached to their carriers, troopers loaded onto gunships and smaller vehicles were moved into their designated transports. Stepping onto their gunship, Leanna hailed Davos who was still on the bridge commanding the fleet. “Admiral, do we have the green light to begin the invasion?”

Above Davos was dealing with the unwavering Militia Providence that had come on their portside, broadsiding the Spearhead as the two locked onto each other. “General, we can’t support the invasion force until we take down these ships. Mainly the providence and one of the two Lucrehulks. I need you to take some troops and board the enemy vessel and silence it, I’ll have Havoc Squadron cover your boarding.” “Understood admiral, we’ll get to it then.” She puts her holo-communicator away and puts on an oxygen mask and tank. “Alright boys, the admiral says we can’t have any fun until we take care of this providence next to us. So let's get a little warm up before we get to the real party?” Trace and the clones in the gunship cheered as they attached oxygen tanks and rebreathers. “Pilot, get us going. Signal gunships four and seven to follow us, tell their troopers to get detonators and oxygen gear ready as we’re going to board that ship.” “Copy that, general!”

The gunships then took off from the hangar followed by a squadron of fighters. Battling through the vultures and tri-fighters, their escort broke off as they chased any incoming foes. Soon, the venator fired a rail blast that obliterated the shield generators on the side of the entry to the main hangar of the providence. As the shield dropped, a metal door followed to seal the entrance but before it could completely close, the Republic gunships made it in, landing to unload the troopers. “R-Squad, take care of the droids in the hangar. T-Squad, take the left doors. J-Squad, follow me… Trace you too.” The clones nodded as Trace chuckled under his helm. “Let’s get them boys!” The doors to the gunships opened up but instead of droids, it was filled with people!

“For Celith!” A crewman shouted as he attempted to pull his weapon out but was shot by Trace. “Same orders as before men, they’re just Militia soldiers.” Trace yelled out as the hangar bay became a battlefield with some B1’s assisting the Militia as T and J squad moved in towards the bridge. Along the way, they met heavy resistance from the men and women onboard the ship. For Leanna, it felt wrong as she cut them down but that was war and the people she was fighting were on the other side. They did not see her as a keeper of the peace, but as an enemy just as she saw them as a threat to herself and her men.

Blaster fire followed as they neared the bridge where Leanna and Trace linked up with J-Squad. At the door, a small team of Militia soldiers had taken crates to use as barricades where a heavy turret was set up that began firing down the hallway. Red bolts flew and pierced some of the advancing clones causing the others to fall back and take cover where they could. Next to some of the Militia were some B1s and a few B2s that had fired down the hall as well. With the troopers suppressed, Leanna ignited her sabers and dashed towards the barricades, deflecting and dodging the heavy gun’s bolts until she reached their hastily made cover. With one swing, she cut the barrel of the gun and used the force to throw the pieces at the B2s and cut down a few droids and Militia. The sound of a blade was heard but before she could react, Trace fired his blaster, disabling the commando droid. It shook before falling to the floor, its vibro-blade still in hand as it was held over its head. “I could have taken it out.” She laughed. “Remember last time you said that?” Trace said, “You spent a week in a bacta tank.” Rolling her eyes, she would continue towards the door. With the door guards taken out, she began the process of cutting through as her men watched the rear, taking out any reinforcements that came. Once inside they took down the security droids and anyone who resisted, mainly the crewmen and the captain. Using the controls they disabled the turbolasers and ran back to the hangar, placing detonators in the hallways.

As they return to the Spearhead, Trace holds up the remote and activates the explosives. Inside the ship, in the other end of the providence as the crewmen were rushing to get to the escape pods, they would feel the explosions go off, ripping the ship in two. At the breaking points, droids and Militia alike were sucked into space. Near the split, some men held onto whatever they could to not get blown out, but as the ship broke apart, they either suffocated in space or were enveloped by the fires of the rest of the ship exploding as it descended from the battle.

“General, we are engaging the enemy’s flagship, from our transmissions we’ve intercepted, we now know which Lucrehulk is the one we must concentrate our fire on. Once we take it out, you and the ground forces may begin the invasion.” Leanna nodded as her and the clones restocked on the supplies and helped the wounded to the nearest medical droid.

-- --

Watching the Jusdicator split in two, Inoda looked at Niphor and barked. “Captain, you get the remaining Militia and return to the surface. We must prepare for the Republic’s land invasion. Every fighter must be reserved so we can repel them in the air.” “But Minister Inoda, we can still-” Atago held his hand out, stopping Niphor from continuing. “You have your orders, Captain. I shall remain and ensure that the Republic suffers heavy losses so that they are unable to sufficiently provide air support for their ground forces.” He then heads to the viewing glass to give orders but before he does, he looks back at the captain one last time. “The empress demands we uphold the freedoms and beliefs that the kingdom has upheld for centuries. Ensure that you do that, captain.” Niphor nodded and saluted the droid before bowing to Inoda. “Understood, I shall retreat from the Defiant and make my way to the surface with the remaining Militia forces.” And with that, he left the bridge and headed towards the hangar where he and a vulture escort managed to flee the battle as it raged on.

All batteries, focus fire on that venator. Remaining fighters are ordered to plot their flight paths into the hangers of any open venator. Cruisers that are still operational, focus fire on the front most ships and if sustained heavy damage, you are to ram your ship into the enemy. Our orders are to make the Republic struggle in taking this planet. Am I understood?” The droid officers nodded and gave the typical “Roger roger” as they followed the order from Atago.

Vultures, Hyenas and Tri-fighters flew in new formations, destroying Z-95s and Y-wings as they dove straight for the open hangars of venators, crashing into ships that were about to take off and killing clone crewmen as they tried to flee. Unfortunately, due to the amount of Republic fighters, only few of these succeeded, the rest were chased off and forced to return to dogfighting as the large venators moved closer to the remaining ships and lucrehulks. Onboard the Defiant, systems were shutting down as three venators had concentrated their fire at it, crippling its abilities to fight back. Seeing the defeat all around him, Atago stood still, calculating and trying to see if he could come to an outcome of the overall invasion, but was interrupted as an explosion destroyed the thrusters and engines, causing the Lucrehulk to lurch forward and fall apart. More explosions erupted as the venators kept firing at the defeated ship. The super tactical droid could only watch as a streak of blue flew directly at the bridge as it broke away from the rest of the ship.

-- --

The gunships onboard the venators began taking off, flying past the now ruined lucrehulk that was in command of the defense. What remained of the Separatist fleet was now drifting in space around the remaining four venators. Behind the invasion fleet, acclamators entered the system, waiting for the ground forces from the venators to secure a landing for them.

On Leanna’s gunship, she and Trace stood at the front as the clones onboard chatted while the two silently spoke to each other. “Remember Lea, no heroics like last time.” She giggled, and took his hand, watching to see if the other clones would see. “Don’t worry, I won’t try anything drastic this time. Just make sure you stay close to me, okay?” The lieutenant nodded, squeezing her hand tightly before letting go. All together, they enjoyed the silence and smooth ride because they knew once they entered the atmosphere, all hell would break loose…