Accepted Tera's GM Application


New Member
Aug 3, 2024
In-Game Name: CT-2608 'Trustee'
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:30100999
Steam Profile Link:
Age: 26
Timezone: Mountain Standard/Daylight Saving Time
Hours Played on Server (Search on Gametracker): 67 (Almost 68) Hours
Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned? If yes, explain in detail: No.
Do you have any experience being staff on GMOD? If yes state what server, positions, and time period: Yes - As a Super Admin on a JVS Server I cannot remember, as a Head GM and Super Admin on a Star Wars Bounty Hunter RP that had many itterations but started as Phoenix Gaming iirc, as a GM for the Halo RP named Aether, as a Admin for a later Itteration of Aether, as a Head GM for a Halo RP named Expedition.
In Order - DarkRP, Helix (then Nutscript), Nutscript, Nutscript, Nutscript, Nutscript.
Do you have experience with Simple Admin Mod commands? Nutscript yes, but not Helix, the systems themselves are actually very similar but can have a lot of nuance between them.
What can you bring to the Staff team? My depth of experience, otherwise I am unsure.
Why would you like to join the PR staff team? Mostly because I want to get back into GM'ing Star Wars but also because you guys needed help.
Why should we accept you over other applicants? Don't. I don't think of it as a competition, just accept those you think are good enough for your staff team.

Sample event (typed up event script):

OPERATION: Transporter
Command: Ensign T. Askila
Brief: Good day everyone, first time being here with Renegade but I've had a lot of suggestions for doing dirtier jobs like the one I have for you today. Yesterday a report was given from someone inside Black Sun that there's a cargo escorton a nearby planet with slaves from the local markets. From what we've been told they intend to put these people to work as hostages and we're hoping your group can get it done relatively quickly with little to no casualties.
Any questions? If no questions; Go gather your ammo and gear.

Chosen Map(s): None as of writing
On Map: Setup should be done relatively quickly as the characteristics of the event will have them setup an ambush on the vehicles, where-in they'll need to have the convoy stop and then attack them from there. After the battle, they should save most if not all the slaves and need to retreat to a nearby base so that they can defend while a transport safely takes away the civilians and then later comes back to aid them and bring them out. (Timer Wise - 30 minutes) After a long enough defense they'll return to base and have successfully saved a number of slaves.

Debrief: Good work! I bring good news, that many of he slaves were taken back to families that had reported them missing some weeks ago. Those without any have been put under security for the time being while they try and piece together their lives once again. <Finish Debrief and allow for Comments from FM and SM, and Promotions to be conducted.>

What is one key thing that should be exercised while running an event? Restraint. Having too little restraint can cause people to get annoyed at your event for difficulty or lag or other reasons. Having too much restraint can cause people boredom or annoyance from tedious missions. It's a very fine line, that you learn while doing events.

How often can you be online? Depends on my sleep schedule but often enough I am able to be on most of the time.
Do you have a working microphone?: Yes

Please state one reference (optional): Aaron/Ricky

Ending Note: I'm "getting back into the saddle" as some would say for GM'ing, especially on a series I haven't played nor GM'd for in a while so I'd like to ask if accepted I be given a bit of leniancy to learn, adapt, and understand the systems to my knowledge. This'd entail me doing On-Map/Base events for a few days maybe a week before I had the comfort and have actually settled into my new position.