Radriar's return to GM application

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Project Game Master
May 15, 2019
In-Game Name: Cyborg Radriar

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:5167955

Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197970601639/

Age: 20

Timezone: Eastern Coast

Hours Played on Server: Around 375 hrs

Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned? If yes, explain in detail: Warned by sharp due to Republic Agent intro gone wrong. Once by archangel during one of my post events

Do you have any experience being staff on GMOD? If yes state what server,positions and time period: 5 months as GM on PR

Do you have experience with Serverguard commands? Yes

What can you bring to the Staff team?: Better events than i did before, i've learned from my mistakes and now i learned and took advice the moderators, GM's and admins have given me.

Why would you like to join the PR staff team?: To return and do fantastic events and bring fun to the server while at the same time maintaining the RP

Why should we accept you over other applicants?: I've have experience from my time as a GM and i want another shot from what i learned and the advice I have been given

Sample event (typed up event script): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JWEuVvThd7QOpeRAMbrRDVOsT02FF6LSftUQus_yrj4/edit?usp=sharing (Though a big event idea, i thought of a system for me so that way i can do basic events and then a large event)

What is one key thing that should be exercised while running an event? It isn't the story, or how big your event is. Its about how you execute the event and the way you do and present it. Another thing is quality over quantity, In the past i did so many events the player base couldn't keep up, so i thought of a way to do my big ideas while at the same time doing the standard events. 4-5 basic events involving data retrieval, blow up important CIS stuff, etc. What my plan is to put little hints in those events that would potentially lead up to a big event involving more stuff. Finally i should utilize helpers more, i use to do most of the stuff by myself and some of my helpers got bored. I want them to feel welcomed and help while at the same time to have them have fun as well during the event.

How often can you be online?: Most of the time during the week, when im not working

Mondays (4:30-7:00PM EST)

Tuesdays (3:30-11PM EST)

Wednesdays (3:30-7:30PM EST)

Thursdays (3-8:30PM EST)

Fridays (3-7:30PM EST)

Saturdays: (Free all day)

Sundays: (Free all day)
(Note this is a schedule based on the quarantine happen. If staff has questions on it, please let me know.)

Do you have a working microphone?: Yes, I would like to ask if someone could teach me how to use MORPHVOX PRO properly so i can utilize some cool voices and people can understand it

Do you have a smartphone?: Yes

Please state one reference (optional): Ion


Active Member
Aug 31, 2017
Columbus, OH

While having experience is good, there is a few things I want to establish. Your activity is pretty poor, and while your events are a bit better, it still suffers from previous problems that you had, which segways me to my next part:

You've had multiple conversations with myself and other staff members about what you can fix as a Game Master and all those conversations proved was that you didn't accept your problems as a Game Master. I haven't seen real change in you as a person and for that reason I don't believe you should come back to the Game Master team.


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Active Member
Jan 16, 2019

the event script and the app are fine, but you reapplied for gm immediately after losing it the first time, got denied, then went inactive and are just now coming back. i'd say boost your activity and be back for a while before reapplying.


Active Member
Nov 22, 2017
United States of America

While having experience is good, there are a few things I want to establish. Your activity is pretty poor, and while your events are a bit better, it still suffers from previous problems that you had, which segways me to my next part:

You've had multiple conversations with myself and other staff members about what you can fix as a Game Master and all those conversations proved was that you didn't accept your problems as a Game Master. I haven't seen a real change in you as a person and for that reason, I don't believe you should come back to the Game Master team.
Essentially this


Active Member
Dec 6, 2018

While having experience is good, there is a few things I want to establish. Your activity is pretty poor, and while your events are a bit better, it still suffers from previous problems that you had, which segways me to my next part:

You've had multiple conversations with myself and other staff members about what you can fix as a Game Master and all those conversations proved was that you didn't accept your problems as a Game Master. I haven't seen real change in you as a person and for that reason I don't believe you should come back to the Game Master team.

-1 This says it all.


Active Member
Dec 31, 2017
I feel like he's had enough time away from being a GM to understand his mistakes and plan to improve based on the advice GMs/staff have given him. He was also a very passionate GM during his time and although he had his flaws, I feel like we should give him a chance to prove himself to show that his events have changed after all this time because who knows, he might make some good events that people actually enjoy.


Project Senior Staff Gamemaster
Oct 26, 2018

I would like to start off with this before going into the meat of this, your contribution to the GM team gave me mixed feelings. First, I understand that it has been a month or a few since your demotion, so with that in mind I still think it is way too early for you to be applying for GM position. Second, as what sharp and some other peeps have stated above me, you tend to go away for long periods of time and never return until a few weeks later, possibly a month on same cases I heard. Finally, I have seen no attempt at any improvements once so ever. I wish not to be rude, but it is hard not to when giving criticism, so with that in mind I have seen no attempts at asking GMs on what you should do for improvements, attempting to fix yourself up for a role like this, and finally I have not seen any attempts to become active for such a role. I understand that you had real life stuff to deal with, but however, that should be a main priority to deal with instead of a virtual game and becoming a full-time GM for such game. My opinions might seem harsh, but I would hate to see you get back on the GM team to only get removed again a month later or possibly sooner. So in conclusion, now is not the good time, play on the server on your free time and look over the past events that some people think were either failures or bad in their opinion. You can learn from past mistakes, and I hope you do


Active Member
Apr 4, 2019
+1 radriar has had the same feedback for awhile, I think he's learned. He got a bad rep, but I think it was somewhat undeserved. Give him a chance y'all.
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