Naval Engineers have grown a lot in the past few months, and with this growth, I've realized that the Naval Engineers are quite differently organized than the other regiments on the server. Where most regiments have all sorts of different classes and roles within them, the Naval Engineer is actually just a class within the Navy, meaning it has no Medic, Jet Trooper, Combat Engineer, or Heavy roles within it like all the other regiments. Now, I'm not advocating for any of those, because that would make Naval Engineers way too OP. I'm instead asking for just one, the Leader role. It would serve the same purpose in Engineers as it does in all the other regiments, mainly acting as a distinguisher between the basic troopers, and the Engineer command (CO's, and XO's). This could be implemented as another role within Navy so that when you looked at the Navy in the allegiances screen, you would see Naval Crewman, Naval Engineer, Naval Engineer Lead, and 38th Marine. I think this makes sense considering that the Engineers have basically become their own regiment within the Navy. This argument could even be held for the 38th Marines as well considering they too have the ability to become as large and self sustaining as the Engineers have.