Morgan's Game Master Application

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Oct 14, 2017
California, United States of America
In-Game Name: ENG M CRM Morgan / Jedi Guardian Padawan Sisko

Former Characters:
Shock Reaper L SGT Morgan (Transferred to Engineers)
Shock Reaper L SGT Stossel (MIA)
Jedi Guardian Padawan Cercio (KIA)

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:102265670

Steam Profile Link:

Age: 15

Timezone: US Pacific Standard Time

Hours Played on Server: 5 Days 00 Hours 02 Minutes and 43 Seconds

Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned? If yes, explain in detail: No

Do you have any experience being staff on GMOD? If yes state what server, positions and time period:

Server: Dusk Gaming
Rank: Trial Moderator
Time Period: Don’t remember it was around three years ago.

Server: Forever Inc. DarkRP
Rank: Super Admin
Time Period: around Two and a Half Months (Shut Down)

Server: Forever Inc. City RP
Rank: Co-Owner
Time Period: Around 3 Months (Resigned)

Server: Revival Servers Civil War RP
Rank: Head Administrator (Under Server Manager but Above Super Administrator. Server’s Staff Manager)
Time Period: Three Months (Server Died)

Server: Revival Servers Civil War RP
Rank: Senior Gamemaker
Time Period: One Month

Server: Revival Servers Vietnam Roleplay
Rank: Administrator
Time Period: 1 Month (Resigned)

Server(s): Saturnz Gaming’s Survival Roleplay, Division Roleplay, City Roleplay, and Santos Roleplay (all Founder time period around 7 months)

Server: Dexterity Networks Imperial RP
Rank: Moderator
Time Period: Little less than a month. The owner shut it down. (Helped with events)

Community: Infrared Networks
Rank: Community Manager
Time Period: 1 month. (Resigned)

Do you have experience with ULX commands? Yes

What can you bring to the Staff team?:

A mature individual who is three hours ahead of everyone allowing me to conduct events when the server’s player base is around 10-15 players on late nights. Someone who is familiar with ULX and who wants to help this server, this community, grow larger and help it become one, if not the greatest community in Garry’s Mod history. I’ve seen that in the past few weeks that the server’s player base has been dropping, though, at a slow rate, it’s still dropping. PR has around 5 Game Masters, including Quinn, (Or at least that is what I was told) and at times I’ve only seen two or three at a time (an uncommon sight). My goal is to help increase our player base and get it back to its 50-60 player a day status. Though the lack of Game Masters isn’t the main cause (It’s a minor cause, but still a cause.), bringing me onto the Game Master team would mean an extra mind in the think tank. I would be able to help the other Game Masters create new events and even campaigns to help improve the servers roleplay experience. I’d be able to assist and help the other staff members make the server more enjoyable. Thanksgiving break is also coming up for people (I get the week off) so with lots of people having the time off it would be nice to have an extra person to help out with events.

Why would you like to join the PR staff team?:

As I’ve stated above I want to join the PR Game Master team for a multitude of reasons. I am applying for this position within the Project Renegade Game Master team to assist other Game Masters when they are incapable of keeping control or who require assistance in maintaining everything within an event. Events put a strain on game masters, I would know I’ve had to do it before and when it's a Civil War era it's hard to come up with events. (Some restrictions prevented more complex events.) I want to help the rest Game master team in not only planning but making the events a reality. I would be able to make sure that the events run as smoothly as possible. My responsibility would be to make sure to deal with situations before they ensue into a chaotic mess. I would be piloting certain ships when needed, I would help out by spawning certain NPCs when needed, and I would be able to become certain characters required for the event.

Why should we accept you over other applicants?:

Why should you accept me above others? As I’ve stated above, I live in the state of California in the United States, which means I am three hours behind parts of the server allowing me to be on the server creating events and miniature events while the other staff is unavailable. I have experience and I am quite familiar with ULX and other server functions. What is the main reason why I should be accepted over other applicants? You need Game Masters. The server needs more heads in the event creation process. I’ve read other applications, most of them with minimal effort and I believe that my application shows how much effort I’ve placed into the application and how serious I am about my position. I’m able to stay on the server for long periods of time (Especially on weekends).

Sample event (typed up event script):

IMPORTANT: The following documents are sample events. They also show marked NPC locations. These are SUGGESTIONS. They don’t need to be exactly there nor does everything listed also need to go in the event.

Sample Event

Sample Event #2

IMPORTANT: The following document is a sample campaign. It is more of a suggestion and an idea which is the reason why it's so specific. Of course, it is too specific and it's not all going to go that way so keep in mind when reading that the following is just what I believe a campaign should or could be like.

Sample Campaign (Sample Event # 3)

What is one key thing that should be exercised while running an event?

To have a cool head and be prepared for parts of the event to go wrong. Examine your events and look for parts that are somewhat malleable and create alternate situations for those if possible.

How often can you be online?:

Weekends unless a personal matter comes up, some weekdays but for the past few weeks I’ve been really busy. The next three months are somewhat “broken” for me so my schedule will change. I’ve been working on getting into a private high school so when I do my schedule should be a lot more flexible.

Do you have a working microphone?: Yes

Do you have a smartphone?: Yes

Please state one reference (optional): A Canadian and Poseidon
Last edited:


Oct 14, 2017
California, United States of America
Though this part isn’t apart of the actual application I wanted to say this to the readers of this application. Thank you very much for taking the time to read my application. Whether you don’t support me or you do, I still thank you and I hope that for whatever reason you don’t support me, that we could fix that and become better friends. Thank you for the support! And please, don’t hesitate to comment on my application, I’m always happy to hear other people’s views. Also if you do give me -Support if you could provide a reason why and an example as that would help me improve on anything that you believe I need to work on.


Project Trial Gamemaster
Nov 1, 2017
-Although I'm no gamemaster, I've been in a few events and everything seems in line here. From the way you think an event can be handled to the sample events.
-The staff app seems very professional as well as you have a lot of experience that could help the staff team and make it that much better.

Rafi Bistshock

Active Member
Oct 7, 2017
United Kingdom
+1 same reasons at Naz, plus you've been a member of the community for a while and was a Shock SGT, in which you handled things with professionalism.


Aug 19, 2017
Texas, United States of America
You will be Granted A Trial Event if you Pass this event you will be Accepted into Gamemasters, You can pick a Interview Date by today (11/28/17) Saturday (12/2/17)
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