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Active Member
Aug 20, 2017
‘’’Steam name: [PC]Mime

Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:151033765

Steam Profile Link:

Age: 21

Timezone: UTC-6

Hours Played on Server: If not counting previous PR server then 50 hours

Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned? If yes, explain in detail: No, I have not

Do you have any experience being staff on GMOD? If yes, state what server, positions, and time period: Yes I do but I don't recall the amount of time because it was a long time ago

-3ndless gaming (GM/Moderator/Elite moderator)-1st,2nd and 3rd server

-Psionic Seas (Moderator)- 2nd server before shutdown

-Koolbro Darkrp (Admin)

-Dark Legion CWRP (Admin)- It changed to Imperial when I left

-Project Renegade back in 2018/2019

Are you currently staff on another server?: No

Do you have experience with Simple Admin Mod commands?: Yes I do

What can you bring to the Staff team?: The main reason i want to apply is because the lack of of GM/events that are happening on the server which is basically setting the platerbase lower but from there, i can bring around 2400 hours worth of GMOD experience and a lot of knowledge. I also know all the commands off by heart and am fully aware of how to deal with every situation that comes out. I am also very active and always on.

Why would you like to join the PR staff team?: I want to help the other gms bring a more “fun” environment to the server and not just a wait for the next event to get back on type experience because that has been pulling PR down a lot. I have experience on PR staff before and i mostly know how this are managed in this server. BUut yes mainly because from what most people can see, there is a lack of gamemasters currently

Why should we accept you over other applicants?: First of all because of my history with the server which i left for personal reasons but as far as im aware made a good comeback and became a good part of the community. I have a lot of experience being a GM in PR and other servers and im 100% confident that i can encourage others to do a good job so PR can be even better. I'm also consistently able to provide assistance on time if you need an extra hand, and i can promise that I will learn in order to make creative and innovative events by myself. I believe that a good portion of the community knows me, and knows how I think, and those who are new have had a chance to hopefully know what kind of person I am. As for the events themselves, I would like to focus on providing clean and satisfying events, but I would also like to bring some sort of new and unique events that can surprise people. The current events are still considered really good and surprising. However, if the style needs to be changed, I'll learn to change that according to the players wants and needs.

Sample event (typed up event script):

What is one key thing that should be exercised while running an event?
Communication and always have a backup plan

How often can you be online?: 4-8 hours everyday

Please state one reference (optional): Lock


Project Senior Staff Gamemaster
Oct 26, 2018
+1 this guy is a chad and baller ass, get him set up and shit
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