Accepted Malfunction/Radar Support Staff Application

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New Member
Oct 26, 2019
Illinois, United States of America
In-Game Name: Malfunction/Radar

Steam id: STEAM_0:0:191962593

Steam Profile Link:

Age: 19

Timezone: Mountain or CST

Hours Played on Server: To many to count. been here for a while

Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned? If yes, explain in detail: Yes, a long time ago i was an idiot and very dumb, that was years ago and over time i have stopped doing all that.

Do you have any experience being staff on GMOD? If yes, state what server, positions, and time period: Yes, in 2023 i was a high ranking Admin on a gmod server and have experience defusing player issues while other staff where making the problem worse by making fun of the player having the issues. The Server was Gantlet Gaming (closed)

Do you have any weighing responsibilities that can prevent you from maintaining activity i.e. -staff on other servers, jobs, school etc...: I have University Now, and maybe a job with the university

Do you have experience with Simple admin commands?:Yes

To list a few, what do you think are your greatest strengths?: Problem solving, Hearing people out, Addressing issues, Excel Spreadsheets, Autocad, and a lot more.

In Conjunction to the last question, what are you most weak at?: Spelling, Feeling Comfortable addressing big groups of New people, and remembering the commands for staff.

For what purpose are you applying for Support staff?: To help event staff and also to help the server with the issues present, the player base needs people to step ion at times and i havent seen a lot of staff willing to do that.

(Optional) If your reason for applying was to accommodate change or fix something on the server, what would that be and how would you go about doing so?: Giving the playes more of a voice, i feel that the people affected by some of the rules are not given a voice on these things. also the RDM.

What do you believe makes you stand out from other staff members/applicants?: I want to fix issues that arise, the fact that i can spot issues and address them in a way that

Are you good at taking criticism?: Yes, honestly i dont care when i get insulted, it happens all the time.

How active can you be in a week? Hours & Days: most days, at least 5 hours a week at a minimum

Do you have a working microphone?: Yes

Please state ONE reference (optional): Jenny, Dragord, Dutch.
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