Accepted M8 Game Master App (Again)

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Papi M8

Project Senior Staff Gamemaster
Mar 16, 2019
In-Game Name: CT SGT 3145 M8

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:77261532

Steam Profile Link:

Age: 20

Timezone: EST

Hours Played on Server: 56.27 on current game tracker but many more hours before the IP change a long time ago. If I had to take a guess I have roughly 580 hours unrecorded currently

Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned? If yes, explain in detail: No I have not been, I have done my best to keep a clean record on PR for as long as i've been playing on it

Do you have any experience being staff on GMOD? If yes state what server,positions and time period: I have racked up a lot of experience over the years and staffed for a number of servers some for a long period others for a much shorter period.

Silences Fallout DarkRP(Multiple iterations the server flickered on and off though I kept my rank or made it back to my rank quickly): Admin, About 2 years, I had also spent my career staffing with Fudall who was a Super Admin on the server during my time on the server as a whole.

Tidal Networks Infection RP: Super Admin, About 3 Months, This was an extension of Silence’s Fallout DarkRP at the time Fudall had already left the staff team and I had been picked to move up on the roster.

Fudall’s Sci-Fi Military RP?(I don’t actually remember the full name of the server): Trail Mod, About 2 weeks, I had applied for the staff role and by the time I was put into staff the server was terminated by Fudall due to reasons unknown to be.

Silences BioShock DarkRP: Moderator, About 4 weeks, Another extension of Silence’s Fallout DarkRP ended about the same way Fudall’s Sci-Fi Military RP did and was terminated just the exception was, I was already staff and it was passed over for me to help out and make sure the server ran smoothly.

Project Renegade Clone Wars RP: Trial Mod, About 1 week, When I took up the staff role before in PR it was during a time I had a lot going on and my mental state was in a much worse position then it is today. I know my abrupt leaving without saying anything was uncalled for and unprofessional but I can say that I have a lot more time and my mental health is a lot better now I can say with confidence that I am ready to return to staff.

Do you have experience with Serverguard commands? No, while I was trained on it before most of the knowledge was new to me and never fully stuck.

What can you bring to the Staff team?: I can bring someone who has had experience not only in Gmod for a number of years but as well as been RPing for even longer. I have a number of tabletop RPGs that I have played avidly and still do that I have run campaigns for mainly DnD but a few one shots here and there for other tabletop games. On top of that I can bring someone who has experience with world building as a profession, ever since I was super young I have wanted to create games,stories, and worlds that players could enjoy and have done so either in the tabletop RPGs that i've mentioned before or using game engines to build maps and skeleton rigs of games.

Why would you like to join the PR staff team?: I stated a large majority of my reasons under my time as trail mod so I will do my best not to reiterate too much but long story short I feel ready to return to staff and actually pick up Game Master after my battle with shitty mental health and overall bad mentality/burnout.

Why should we accept you over other applicants?: Because I can offer someone who has been making stories for either game ideas/tabletop RPG campaigns their entire life and an eagerness to share them.

Sample event (typed up event script):
Google Doc With Event
What is one key thing that should be exercised while running an event?:
You should be making sure the event is enjoyable for everyone, if an event isn't fun for the people you are running it for to me it feels like almost a waste of time.

How often can you be online?: Weekends are 100% availability for me the large majority of the time, weekdays are a bit more iffy depending on how rough school is at that point and time.

Do you have a working microphone?: Yes

Do you have a smartphone?: Yes

References (optional): Rough, Flare, Havoc, Rice, Archangel, Sharp, Karma, Rat, Reijo, Riko, Fudall, Poseidon, Lock, Fretwell, Settra, Kowalski, Relay, Marball, Ion, Biological, Archangle


Project Senior Staff Gamemaster
Oct 26, 2018
come on guys, M8 automatically gets a +1 for those banger events he used to do a while back.


Project Senior Game Master
Battalion Officer
Nov 12, 2018
The Middle East
Contact me with a date and time for your Gamemaster Interview.
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