Krisz's Staff Application [Pending]


New Member
Apr 1, 2018
In-Game Name: 506th LCPL Krisz

Steam ID:

Steam Profile Link:



Hours Played on Server:
62 hours.

Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned? If yes, explain in detail:
No, I have not.

Do you have any experience being staff on GMOD? If yes, state what server, positions, and time period:
TitanRP (DarkRP) - Moderator (1 month)
Sector 3 Gaming (MilitaryRP) - Admin (1 month)
Solar Realm Gaming (KingdomRP, Metro 2033 RP) - Super Admin (1 month)
Icefuse Networks (MilitaryRP) - Admin (3 months)
Revival Servers (VietnamRP) - Admin (3 months)
Karios Gaming (MilitaryRP) - Noble Admin (3 months)

Are you currently staff on another server?:
No, I'm not.

Do you have experience with ULX commands?:
Yes, I do.

What can you bring to the Staff team?:
I'm online on the server, whenever I can, which is basicly everyday. I can be on the server, when there aren't any staff on, or only 1, becuase I'm from the UK-ish timezone. Since You're searching for staff from the UK timezone, I could be a good fit for the role, considering the new Trial-Moderators aren't even active.

Why would you like to join the PR staff team?:
Becuase, as I said, You're searching for staff from the UK timezone, and since the new Trial-Moderators aren't active, even tho they're from the UK, and could play on the server, and of course, to help out the ones, who need help, or help out the server a little bit more.

Why should we accept you over other applicants?:
I have a lot of experience with ULX and how staff things work, such as sits, or how to deal with players in certaint situations. The most things of all, I'm active, and can be on the server, where there is no staff on, not even players except me and some other people, and maybe some of them needs to be trained, but they can't be whitelisted, since there is no staff on, and I could provide that.

How often can you be online?:
I can be online everyday from 5:30 PM (GMT +1) until 9 PM (GMT +1). Except on Tuesday or Thursday, becuase on those day, I have to go to a certaint training excersice. On Saturday I can play from 4:00 PM (GMT +1) until atleast 11:30 PM (GMT +1). On Sunday, I can play from 4:00 PM (GMT +1) until 9 PM (GMT +1).

Do you have a working microphone?:
Yes, I do.

Do you have a smartphone?:
Yes, I do.

Please state one reference (optional):
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