Accepted GM App

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Project Game Master
Jan 18, 2023
In-Game Name: Clockwork

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:0

Steam Profile Link:

Age: 19

Timezone: EST

Hours Played on Server (Search on Gametracker): 1 Day 9 Hours 48 Minutes

Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned? If yes, explain in detail: No I have not
Do you have any experience being staff on GMOD? If yes state what server, positions, and time period: I have been on Jade Networks for a few days (left due to the owner not properly and other things) Geetsly's starwars RP, roughly for a week (had to quit due to high school), and a few others I cannot name off the top of my head.

Do you have experience with Simple Admin Mod commands?: Yes I do

What can you bring to the Staff team?: I am a relatively creative person who has done there best to envision big events and feel that my ideas can be put to good work here, I love helping in anyway possible and had a rough start when I first helped a server I liked, but in the end I am now here and have learned on my journey.

Why would you like to join the PR staff team?: Because I love the server and the people and feel like I can be of use to the server by giving people more enjoyment in there day to day lives when they play here.

Why should we accept you over other applicants?: I am someone who if messes up, learns from that and does there best to evolve, I try to learn how to do things and do better with them, and at some point feel that my usefulness here can help others just get that extra smile to there day.

Sample event (typed up event script):

(disclaimer: not too much info will be given so I can keep these events short for the purposes of this app and for the simple fact so I can do a full story campaign with this in the future where I go into full depth, and yes I mean for this server If I do get accepted)

Event 1
: Trade routes in danger!!!

We have recieved a request from a senate member to be an escort for there convoy, we must bring them to a meeting spot where they will meet with some important figures of a planet to request safe passage for our men and supplies. we arrive with 1 AT-TE and 2 TX-130s along with 2 (scheduled to blow up, played by someone, maybe GMs) V-Wings, once they blow up, missiles fire at the convoy along with the rigged shout of ambush, that's when the assault begins, they get surrounded on all sides and there job is to protect the senator.

This can lead to two different endings, if they fail to defend the senator this will lead to them transporting the body to where the meeting spot is, ifthey successfully defend the senator getting him to the meeting spot, he disembarks and will result in the next part of the event. The main force will be tasked with clearing a CIS listening post that launched the attack.

at that point they will receive an extra AT-TE assuming the TX-130's did not survive, if one did they will receive a new TX, and if all did then they receive weapon drops of 3 Z6's, 2 PLXs and 10 DP-23s. The main Republic force will be met with heavy resistance from the CIS with 12 B3s (not at once), 6 AATs and a ton of B1s and B2s, maybe a small group of droidikas. Pilots will need to take on a few Munificents and a bunch of vultures. once they destroy the Munificents and take the listening post, they will need to gather data on where the CIS are launching there operations from in the near by system (for another event) at that point they return to where the senator is and the mission ends.

If the Senator survives this will lead to an outcome in favor of the republic in the end and an easier time during the final event.

If the Senator dies this will lead to an outcome that makes the end not so good and tougher during the final event.

Event 2: Protect the sector!!!

The data from the listening post led the Republic to a CIS FOB on a near by planet. Our task is to assault it and finish off the CIS from this sector. what will we find out?! find out next time!!!!

What is one key thing that should be exercised while running an event?: The players fun should be of the upmost importance, if the player isn't having fun then that means the event really isn't going well so make sure to take as much feedback during and after the event you can get and use it to adapt and make your events better.

How often can you be online?: 5 out of the 7 days of the week

Do you have a working microphone?: yes I do


Project Game Master
May 15, 2019
I’m gonna be neutral on this, +1 for a pretty solid event, -1 for the time you have on the server. If you can get more hours in besides being on for a week, then you’ll get a +1 from me


Project Game Master
Oct 17, 2017
United States of America
+1 | From the times I am on the server I've not come across any issues with you. The event is something I would like to see on the server.


Project Admin
Nov 2, 2018
From what I have seen of you on the server you have been a pretty cool guy and you seem to have the drive for being a GM.


Project Game Master
May 15, 2019
Hearing your idea from discord about a campaign idea. Could have some potential if guided in the right direction. So changing to a +1


Project Senior Game Master
Battalion Officer
Nov 12, 2018
The Middle East
This acceptance was sponsored by Raid Shadow Legends.

Please contact me with a date and time to set up your interview/training.
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