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Project Senior Game Master
Battalion Officer
Nov 12, 2018
The Middle East
My genius, It's somewhat frightening.

In-Game Name:
Flare, the Community Banned.

Steam ID:

Steam Profile Link:

Younger than the fresh prince of Bel-Air

Eastern Standard Time

Hours Played on Server:

Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned? If yes, explain in detail:
community ban for being rude man

Do you have any experience being staff on GMOD? If yes state what server,positions and time period:
Icefuse Networks Trial Moderator 1 Day
Project Renegade Gamemaster 4 Months
Project Renegade Gamemaster 4 Months

Do you have experience with Serverguard commands?:
Ah, in my time on Project Renegade, I have extensively used Serverguard.

What can you bring to the Staff team?:
Brain Membrane

Why would you like to join the PR staff team?:
Ascend to Superiority Complex

Why should we accept you over other applicants?:
Brain Cellulose

Sample Operation:

22 BBY


RC-5485 dodged and weaved through the trees, or at least what seemed to be trees. He was training in a simulated environment, a simulation. His objective was simple, get into a compound that was around 200 meters ahead, at least by his estimate, extract an asset that was important to the Republic's war effort in the Outer Rim, and get out.
Visual Aid I

RC-5485 was an elite Commando. Best of the best, as they say. He had been raised from birth on Kamino by Kaminoan cloners to fight a war for the Republic, the longest standing democracy in the galaxy- against an enemy that was violently attempting to separate from it- funnily enough they called themselves Separatists. Officially they were the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and were not recognized as a legitimate government by the Republic. He was still in the last phases of his training. If he could pull this off, he'd be sent to the front and would experience real combat.

He could see the compound through the trees. It was well defended. Not well enough to stand up to him, though. He four B1 battle droids guarding the entrance. B1s were the standard infantry unit of the Confederacy. Dumb, thin and fragile, only an issue when in numbers. Accompanying the B1s was one B2 Super Battle droid. If he played his cards wrong, then he might be in big trouble. B2s were equipped with twin blaster cannons and wrist rockets. They were durable enough to take entire magazines from standard Republic weaponry, luckily, RC-5485 was not equipped with standard equipment. He had a magazine-based rifle, the DC-17m Interchangeable Weapon System. It could swap on the fly to be an SMG, Sniper, or Anti Armor weapon. The sniper variant alone could pierce through the B2s armor with ease.

So, four B1s and one B2 at the entrance, simple enough. 5485 shifted his view upward, where he saw several B1s equipped with snipers patrolling the wall. He could only see around four or five of them. There was a high chance there would be more. He heard something approaching from the main pathway into the base, it sounded like a hover tank.
Visual Aid II

It was.

One AAT, or Armored Assault Tank. The Confederacy employed plenty of them. Large tanks with a siege cannon on top which had the ability to spin around a full 360 degrees to deal with heavier targets with ease, and four side mounted blaster cannons that could chew through infantry. Taking one of these head-on by yourself was like running straight into a lightsaber. Luckily, the AAT had a critical weak spot, the boarding ramp. It was typically closed up, but that didn’t matter, the ramp has the thinnest armor and was only connected to the tank via a few loose clamps.

RC-5485 waited for the tank to pass into the base, it took a few minutes for the droids to run their standard checks, but eventually, it got through. This was his time to strike. He switched his DC-17m to the Anti Armor variant and snuck up to the walls, taking care not to be spotted by the droids. He pulled out his grappling hook and shot it up to the wall. There was a good chance the droids could spot him while he did this- he needed to act fast. He hit a button on the side of the grappling gun, skyrocketing him into the air and sending him right on top of the wall.

This is it.

5485 pulled out his pistol, quickly eliminating the B1 snipers closest to him. He counted at least six down, seven possibly alerted on the walls. Droids guarding the gate definitely know what’s up. Luckily, there was no need to cool off or reload his pistol. His sidearm held eight rounds and slowly recharged spent rounds over time.

5485 peaked over the wall, throwing down a droid popper. Droid poppers emitted an electro-magnetic pulse that could disable most droids with ease, and heavily damage a B2. Knowing this, he shot his pistol a couple of times into the remaining B2 until he was out of rounds. The B2 fell over, disabled and 5485 put his sidearm away, letting it recharge.

The base alarms suddenly pierced his eardrums. Perfect. The AAT that had recently entered the base was now aiming at his location with it’s back turned, just as planned. He put his DC-17m on the ledge, quickly putting his hands up. “Don’t shoot! I surrender!” he cried out. The AAT did not fire, and B1s quickly surrounded him on the thin walkway, blocking any reasonable exit.

“Stupid clone, surrender! We’ve got you outnumbered!” One of the B1s threatened.

“You’ve got me outnumbered? What? By how much, please don’t shoot!” 5485 cried out in fear, or at least that’s what the droids thought.

“Uh... Hold on...” The B1 said “One... two... three… four…” it said, counting up the men that were present. After what seemed like an eternity, the droid responded, completely forgetting about the fact that the Commando was not on the ground and was still standing there. “We’ve got you outnumbered, seven to one! Put some binders on him Unit 487.”

“Roger Roger,” one of the droids said, approaching 5485. Just when the droid was close enough, he quickly stabbed it and grabbed his DC-17m, by which point the droids began unloading shots, mostly hitting each other in an attempt to kill him. 5485 leapt off as they started firing, and the AAT responded immediately, firing at the wall and destroying all of its own units. The AAT would have to wait a few seconds before firing again, which 5485 knew and took full advantage of, hitting the ground with a roll and firing straight into the weak spot, which crippled the AAT.
Visual Aid III

It wasn’t enough, and while he hastily reloaded his weapon the AAT quickly fired and sent him flying, straight into the wall with enough force to cause a dent in the wall in his silhouette. His armor being the only thing that saved him at that moment- the situation ran through 5485’s head as he finished up his reload. There was no way he could make it out of this. The AAT would cool off its siege cannon and fire again before he could even finish his reload.

This was it- his final test. He failed. He played his cards too risky and now- he’d never make it to the front lines and really fight some clankers.

He had to try anyway.

He shot the AAT with his anti-armor round.

There was no point.

It shot first.

Chapter 1
"He had to give me troopers that can hardly keep their blasters straight.” muttered RC-5485, annoyed, as he kept moving along some rock walls with his squad.

"You say something, sir?" called out a voice from behind.

Ion recognized the voice. CT-4382, Corporal Peak.

"Stay close, Corporal." 5485 responded plainly. He had to look professional for the shinies.

"Copy that, sir." Peak responded, motioning the others to keep pace.

They were close enough to see the entrance. It wasn't as... large and grandiose as 5485 had imagined. Just a small passageway that could fit a squad of troopers at most, and although not anything special, he respected how… out of the way it was, just as he was about to charge in head-first, something caught his eye. Two B2 super battle droids. If he made a mistake here, things could get messy, and quickly, mostly for his squad. Strangely enough though, it looked like the droids were equipped for underwater patrol.

"Corporal. Stay here and wait for my signal. Don't make any noise."

Peak nodded, and 5485 moved in closer. He picked up a rock and threw it just ahead of the two droids. They noticed immediately, and one moved to investigate.

This was his chance.

5485 swiftly moved up, attaching a small, cube-like device onto the closest B2, then quickly leapt at the other one, stabbing it with enough force and intensity to bring down a mountain. Just as the B2 he left behind was about to react, the device 5485 attached went off and fried it.

"Hell yeah." 5485 said, motioning with his hand for his squad to move up.

"That was pretty awesome, sir."

"I know. Cover me while I slice into this terminal and get the blast door open."

Peak nodded and the squad moved to cover him.

"I never got your name, sir."


"Ion? Well, I'm-"

"Peak. You told me on the ship."

"Oh. Right. I've been meaning to ask, how did our LAAT manage to even... get here? They don't have hyperdrives. I think."

Low Altitude Assault Transports, or LAATs. Four ball turrets, two forward cannons, and enough missiles to level an estate. They didn't come with hyperdrives and were easily detectable by scanners.

"General Riddick commissioned a modified version of the LAAT from Rothana Engineering. He wanted it outfitted for stealth operations. The variant is expensive and budget concerns meant we couldn't have many of them. There's only thirty of them in circulation. They're reserved for only high priority operations." Ion responded, just as he finished up the slice and the blast door opened. "Come on, let's get moving."

"Wait, does that mean that-"

"This is a high priority operation."

"Why'd they send us with you? We’re Aquatic Patrol troopers, not infiltrators!”

Chapter 2
Ion’s anti-armor round collided with the AATs own round halfway.

“Oh that’s badass!” he shouted, seemingly to himself as he got up and ran toward a large group of Cargo Crates.

The AAT traced him, charging up his siege cannon. It was to no avail, as Ion leapt behind cover as the shot flew into the base wall.

Ion took a look around while he had time, searching for any routes that he could use to get past the AAT.

Nothing that he could make out.

He gripped his DC-17m.

This was the only way.

He ran out of cover, straight at the AAT which had already turned, pointing all of its firepower at Ion.

Chapter 3
The group stopped upon reaching the next door. "The General specified to bring you three along. I don't agree with his choices, but it's not my place to argue. Watch my six, I'll get to work on the next door." Ion said.

"We got this," said one of the troopers as the group of three turned around, aiming their blasters down the hallway, watching for anything that might dare cross into their sights.

"I'm not so sure, Hydro. I have a bad feeling about this." Peak replied.

"You're gonna pass up an opportunity to yoink something?"

"No, no, I just think we’re not really qualified for this.”

Ion opened up the door to reveal a large chasm- a ginormous gap between the other end of the room and his current position. Filled with water. Worse yet, the other door was covered in water. "I should've known."

"What?" Peak said, turning around and seeing the massive body of water.
Visual Aid IV

Hydro turned around, "Water! I can't believe it, tons and tons of water!"

"Aqua Droids. Aquatic Patrol troopers. I should’ve known.”

Something zipped past Ion, hitting one of the troopers’ square in the chest.


"Take cover, return fire!" Ion shouted out, immediately returning fire- missing every shot. He was firing aimlessly. He scanned the area with his eyes.

Four Aqua droids. Closing in fast.

Ion tossed out the magazine in his DC-17m, trying his best to avoid the blaster bolts from the droids, unclipping another from his belt, loading it. He aimed at his targe-

He got hit, once- twice, three times, in the chest.

He clenched his chest, bracing for any pain that might come- but nothing came. There was no pain. He looked down. Not even a mark on his armor, what the-

Of course.

Republic Commandos are equipped with Katarn-Class commando armor, the armor was expensive and provided the best protection possible- which included personal deflector shields. In truth, this was Ion's first day out of Kamino. He was too late to join the battle of Geonosis, and this was his first ever Operation. He was looking like a rookie in front of these... shinies. If his instructors back on Kamino caught word of this, he’d receive hours of discipline. He grunted, angrily taking cover behind a small pillar.

"What the hell are you doing, Ion? Take them down or something!" Peak called out.

"Maybe you should help me, Corporal!" Ion deflected, waiting for his shields to recharge.

Peak nodded, signaling Hydro to fire on his go. They poked out of cover and unloading their blasters into the nearest Aqua droid, managing only to damage it before having to retreat back into cover and cool off their blasters.

"Those things practically ate all of our shots, Captain, what the hell are you doing?" Peak shouted in frustration.

"Enjoying the show, Corporal. I've got this, keep out of the firing range." Ion called back as he swapped the attachments on his DC-17m, turning the weapon into a lethal sniper rifle. The Republic sunk plenty of credits into equipment for Republic Commandos, and so they sported the DC-17m Interchangeable Weapon System, a weapon so deadly that in the hands of a skilled user it could single-handedly turn the tide of any battle, in any situation.

Ion poked out of cover, blasting the damaged Aqua droid, which at this point was attempting to get out of the water to attack the troopers from close-range. The Aqua droid destroyed. The shot penetrated it and even landed straight into the eye of another droid, disabling it. Two more to go.

The remaining droids returned fire, hitting Ion, who shrugged it off and promptly returned fire, destroying the other two droids.

"Come on. We've got to keep moving, Peak. If the alarm hasn't been hit yet, it'll go off any second now."

"What? We're not equipped for this Ion! We need to pull out and get you a full team of Commandos- we're just liabilities to your mission!"

"No, you're not a liability. You're essential. I understand now why the General told me to bring you along. This-this is your specialty. We've got a long way to swim, and you two are equipped for it. We are not abandoning this mission."

"I agree with the Captain, Peak." Hydro butted in. "We can't pass up a good swim! That's just bringing dishonor to the 414th name!"

Peak pondered for a moment, "You're right. Whenever you're ready, Ion." he groaned out.

Ion dove into the water, quickly followed by Hydro then Peak who pulled out their Scuba rifles. Theses rifles were double-barreled and came equipped with a flashlight, but it only worked underwater, as the gun was specifically built to be handled in the environment, the designers didn't think to modify it for out of water scenarios. As they were approaching the door, it opened up to reveal two Aqua droids.

Hydro and Peak reacted quickly, firing on one of the Aqua droids, their rounds punching right through it and destroying it.

Ion charged at the last Aqua droid, stabbing it several times. The team went through the door which revealed a giant underwater laboratory- in the center, a suit made of... some sort of metal. It was locked behind some sort of ray shield.

Peak and Hydro were moving their eyes around, admiring the place when Ion came over their helmet comms. "Fan out, find a way to disable the Ray shield."

"We're after that hunk of junk?" Hydro said. "Thing looks as fragile as those aqua droids!"

"Yeah, what's the big deal here Ion? Why are we after this?" Peak inquired as he took a look around, trying to find some sort of terminal.

"Classified, sorry Peak. Listen, do me a favor and hurry up disabling the ray shield, something doesn't feel right here." Ion responded.

The team looked around for what seemed like hours, searching for something, anything to disable the ray shield.

"I found something, Captain." Hydro continued, "A button! I'm gonna press it!"

"Wait!" Ion shouted as Hydro pressed the button. A large trapdoor opened up on the other side of the room, up raised a giant, three-legged droid.

"Oh shit." All three of them said as the droid fired a large explosive round, aimed at Hydro.

"Hydro, get out of there, get out of there now!" Peak called out.

"Oh god, oh fuck, oh shit." Hydro anxiously yelled as he swam as fast as he could.

It wasn't fast enough.

A split second later, Hydro and the terminal were blown up, his only remains being his shattered helmet and his scuba blaster.

Chapter 4
Visual Aid V

“Excellent work, 5485.”

“Thank you, General Riddick.”

“I’m sure you’re wondering why you haven’t been assigned to a squad yet.”

“Yeah… what’s up with that? I thought once training was completed you were assigned to a squad.”

“Squads are assigned before you even begin training. High Command has a different purpose for you.”


“You’re being sent to the Outer-Rim world of Byss. The planet itself has a… strong defense fleet. The garrison on the planet is massive and it’s- according to our scouts- a staging ground for an invasion on Kamino.”


“Of course, the fleet above Kamino already has been reinforced for any Separatist attack, however… that’s not the issue. The issue is, the Separatists are developing a suit of armor that can fire beams of energy- powerful enough to pierce through anything we throw at it. Rumor has it, the beams could even destroy our Venators if they lost shielding.”


“High Command wants that suit of armor, and they’ve asked me to choose somebody for the job.”

“Wouldn’t it be best to send in a full Squad of commandos, sir?”

“It would, but you’re our test pilot for two… initiatives. Your team will be taking a LAAT/S, a special stealth variant of the LAAT that I ordered from Rothana that was specifically designed for operations deep into enemy territory. If you want to know more, you can read about it on your datapad. It’ll be a long trip.”

“Understood, what’s the other- “

“Secondly, High Command wants to see how well a Commando can lead regular troopers on an Operation. You’ll be sent in with thirty men from the 414th Division, you can use them as you see fit to aid in your objective.”

Chapter 5
"Hydro!" shouted Peak.

"Peak, get into cover, now! Or else that Tri Droid is going to erase you!" Ion yelled out. He was already hidden behind something. Peak swam as fast as he could to cover, making sure to fire a few shots back at the droid while he swam. The droid fired, missing Peak and hitting some wiring behind him.

There was a flicker- the ray shield was going down.

Ion shouted out to Peak, "Peak, we only have one shot at this. I need you to distract that thing while I grab the suit. Trust me, the suit will get us out of this alive."

"What is a metal bodysuit going to do? Erase that giant ass thing?"

"Something like that. Listen, just draw its attention." Ion said through his communicator.

Peak mumbled to himself. "If I die, I'm gonna haunt his ass until the end of the war." He grabbed his rifle and leapt out of cover, gracefully moving through the water, firing at the droid. Ion immediately began moving as Peak started firing, swimming as fast as he could for the suit. The droid cycled rounds, firing directly at Peak, hitting the ground underneath him and sending him flying through the air, straight into the roof. Ion looked behind him to see Peaks body slamming against the roof.

"Come on... I just need a few more seconds to reach it..." Ion said to himself as he turned around and kept swimming. The suit was so far- there was no way in hell he would make it. The droid cycled rounds and fired. Ion watched the round approach him. It felt like the round was taking its sweet time and rubbing in the victory that it had obtained. He closed his eyes, accepting his fate- but then felt four blaster bolts swing into him- launching him just out of the way of the droid’s purple ball of death, which impacted with a wall that was plenty far away from him. Ion opened his eyes and swung around to see who had hit him.

"I don't believe it. That nerf herder is still kicking!"

"Hurry the hell up, Ion! That thing won't take long to cycle its rounds and fire again." Peak groaned out, in pain.

Peak must've taken a bad hit, Ion thought to himself as he reached the suit and hit a button on the terminal next to it, which opened a trapdoor that grabbed the suit and took it underground.

"No!" Ion shouted in disbelief. His one chance to turn this situation around, swallowed whole by a hole in the ground. Ion looked up at the droid which had been firing at Peak, swapping his DC-17ms attachments out for the Anti-Armor assortment. He fired a round into the droid.

It did nothing.

The droid looked at Ion, aiming its cannon at him, cycling rounds- and firing. Ion instinctively leapt into the air, but he was immediately sucked into the ground, vacuumed up by a trapdoor- the blast impacting a split second after
Visual Aid VI

Chapter 6
Peak stared in disbelief- then suddenly, the trapdoor Ion was sucked into opened back up…
Visual Aid VII

ION MAN Issue II coming soon!

What is one key thing that should be exercised while running an event?:
A dedication to the way of the Jedi, the way of Overkill and OPness.

How often can you be online?:

Do you have a working microphone?:
Yes, my toaster is quite the effective communications device.

Do you have a smartphone?:
I have a Microsoft Kin One, yes, Idk why but it doesn't work. Here's a link, great phone! Only 9 Dollars!!

Please state one reference (optional):
Helasar, Lock

@Hyperlight Felix @Ion
i started writing and drawing this 12 days ago.

and yes, i saved all the drawings and the formatting in a word document
Last edited:

Hyperlight Felix

Active Member
Apr 21, 2019
O block
did you write this or did you copy a chapter from someone's fanfiction and replace the names


Project Admin
Nov 2, 2018

Excellent art detailing the intricacies of your event. Hope to you see join the staff team as your creativity seems quite up there. Can't wait to see more of what you can do.


Active Member
Dec 31, 2017
The amount of effort you put into this


Project Senior Moderator
Battalion Officer
Feb 26, 2019
+1 event was written amazingly


Project Senior Game Master
Battalion Officer
Nov 12, 2018
The Middle East
Thank you for all the input on my application, however I have this strange feeling that I am not being judged seriously. I am applying for gamemaster, and while I may be banned, what says I cannot be a gamemaster if I am banned?

Good day.
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