Denied Deno's GM App

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New Member
Jan 21, 2023
In-Game Name: Deno

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:130010897

Steam Profile Link:
Age: Old enough that it's weird to be playing gmod

Timezone: EST

Hours Played on Server (Search on Gametracker): A bit over 10 hours

Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned? If yes, explain in detail: No

Do you have any experience being staff on GMOD? If yes state what server, positions, and time period:
Tamewater - Various ranks from administration, division leader, and development. ~4 years
Other DarkRP and SWRP servers for less than a year

Do you have experience with Simple Admin Mod commands?: Yes

What can you bring to the Staff team?: I believe I will bring value to the team due to the unconventional way I go about my events. I do not like hosting generic events where you put on a random map and throw troopers at them. Instead, I prefer to curate a more in-depth event for a smaller group of players, such as a battalion or squad. I find it gives me more options and is more enjoyable for the players when I can assign individualized roles. A lot of interesting scenarios would not work with a large force and instead needs a few people to tackle them. The biggest issue I've faced with this approach is figuring out how to go about hosting these, without upsetting the other people who are on. I've come up with a few solutions in my time to remedy this.

My primary way of solving this issue is by building miniature maps made out of props and deploying those into a closed-off area on the base map. This provides me with the ability to design the world alongside the roleplay, to make scenarios that just aren't possible without. Along with this, it lets me selectively choose who should participate in these events without having to worry about leaving someone behind to shoot waves of droids for an hour. Lastly, this solution lets me curate long-term events that can last up to months.

Another method I've used to solve this is by hosting events during off-time hours. I am not able to plan as well for these events but it really is the best of both worlds. This allows me to still give personalized objectives while being able to include everyone on the server. It also brings more players onto the server at a time when there usually are near to none, which usually leads to higher player counts throughout the rest of the day in my experience.

The easiest way which requires little to no prep would just be to start something on the base map and hope people come to investigate. This is usually more passive than a normal event and is more so just something to kill some time between events.

My final method is a bit more large-scale and requires weeks of planning ahead of time to accomplish, but usually has the greatest results. This is by hosting a much longer than average event (at least a few hours) where there are constant side-missions going on for select groups that eventually lead to a large-scale conclusion with everyone involved. This is basically like a mix of being on base and being on a mission. Battalions are requested to complete side-missions throughout the event, which basically act like a smaller event on the same map. While the battalions are not participating in side missions, they can host their usual training, tryouts, and whatever else they do on the base. Each one of these side missions can be carefully curated to match the battalion's specialties as I have mentioned before. After all the side missions are complete the main force comes together to achieve some overall goal and the day is saved.

Why would you like to join the PR staff team?: I would like to join the team because I miss being able to plan and host these events for people, it was something I enjoyed doing in my free time.

Why should we accept you over other applicants?: I'm not sure why this question is here, it doesn't really seem like a competitive application process. You should accept me AND other applicants so more events happen.

Sample event (typed up event script): I am going to write a summary of a multiple-week-long event I have done in the past for a group of Jedi in a previous server. This will also include my thought process as I hosted it.

It all started one day during a throwaway RP I was hosting for some Jedi in the server's downtime, they were investigating a cave and found an ancient sith artifact. I can't remember what my initial intentions were with that but it didn't matter because one of the Jedi decided he was going to crack it open using the force because he thought something was inside. When it opened I showed that there was nothing inside and then they left.
After thinking, I decided I was going to create some dark creature that infested the Jedi's mind. I didn't know what its goals were yet or what sort of powers it had, just that it only existed in the Jedi's mind (for now) and it was caused by the artifact's destruction.
Later that day I started fucking with the Jedi as the creature. When nobody was around I'd play noises on a soundboard to spook him and in general, made him know that I was there.

I can't remember exactly what the next events were, this happened a couple of years ago. I know somewhere in the process I wrote a quick addon to allow only him to see me, so I could haunt him and have other people think he was going insane. He had also spoken to some Jedi Masters about it and came to the conclusion that whatever it was came from the artifact.

I started designing worlds and guiding the Jedi to them, explaining some more backstories, powers, and weaknesses about the character. Eventually, they started piecing together clues and started designing a cure.

After around a week or so of this, it had become a big enough thing on the server that I created a full event for it where they returned to the cave, cured the Jedi, then killed the beast.

I couldn't find much from this event, like I said it was a few years ago and I don't talk much to those people anymore, I did find an image of one of the worlds though.

This was all just built in GMod with props. It is a smaller version of what I used to make for some of my events.

This is the sort of storytelling that I would like to do on this server. The large-scale events are extremely important for server growth but I believe my smaller events are key to getting dedicated players who want to come back.

What is one key thing that should be exercised while running an event?: One key thing that an event planner needs is to be able to improvise and preplan for every outcome. I can not state how many times a person has completely changed the course of events just by thinking outside of the box. It is very important to be able to continue with how the players choose to solve the mission instead of punishing them with orders to retreat or pod spam.

How often can you be online?: A few times a week, mainly at off times because I work nights

Do you have a working microphone?: Yes

Please state one reference (optional): N/A
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For The King

Project Game Master
Nov 17, 2022
+1, I love doing stuff like this for events and it feels more a personal with the gamemaster. It's easier to get invested and enjoy the experience.


Project Senior Game Master
Battalion Officer
Nov 12, 2018
The Middle East
Unfortunately at this time, we do not think you have what it takes for Gamemaster.
You may reapply after 3/3/23.
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