Accepted Chief's GM Application

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Project Senior Game Master
May 29, 2023
In-Game Name: Chief

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:43911698

Steam Profile Link:


Timezone: Eastern Standard

Hours Played on Server (Search on Gametracker): 11+ hours

Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned? If yes, explain in detail: no

Do you have any experience being staff on GMOD? If yes state what server, positions, and time period: Yes, Superadmin, Head GM, assorted other positions. Servers included to my memory: FSAS, Phantom Gaming, Survivalist Network,

Do you have experience with Simple Admin Mod commands?: YES

What can you bring to the Staff team?: Excellent gamemaster skills, I have been game-mastering on games such as Garry's Mod and Arma 3 for nearly 10 years.

Why would you like to join the PR staff team?: I enjoy writing and developing stories through these platforms and would enjoy making them using the tools that Renegade has to offer. It is also a requirement for Shock

Why should we accept you over other applicants?: I am simply better

Sample event (typed up event script): The following was a near-complete script for an Arma operation I ran 2 weeks ago

**Rough Script:**
Setup: Practice landing a C-130 at Al-Zubair, Teleport the whole squad into the c-130 while 7 klicks from airfield. Prepare a Humvee with back benches; a truck if there are too many. Identify if a single LAV will be enough to transport the squad, current tentative playercount as of writing will be 10 players. Prepare a briefing script, instruct the squadleader prior to mission start on whats generally going to happen, and what to do when things happen when they do (SOPs). Be prepared to banter with several squad members while they pickup at the checkpoint, try to use ANA soldiers. Use a silly accent that's somewhat believable.

Stalker 1 lands in Al-Zubair airbase, picked up by a humvee on the tarmac from the c-130. They then proceed to briefing and receive instructions for the pickup of the medtruck. Also making a point to win hearts and minds. They move to pick up the truck, which is the middle of basrah in a checkpoint. (We try to make it feel like a lived in city, personally driving civ cars past them, ANA/USMC patrols, helis flying overhead, etc. No combat till post dropoff.

*Phase 1*
Setup: Prepare to move IDAP heavy heli | Prepare a broken down car 1 klick before the PB | Be prepared to communicate with Stalker if they speak to the Army column | Scatter bodies throughout the town, max of 5 for performance. | Be prepared to interact with Stalker as the IDAP worker and PB commander, and anyone else they talk to | %%%Be prepared to litter the terrorist strongpoint at 056042 with extremist bodies, devastate the strongpoint, leaving the middle back area somewhat intact.

Stalker 1 moves past the bridge, seeing a preparing US Army Mechanized column.
They head to the checkpoint, a man with a broken car a klick beforehand (they either stop or don't, could be NPC interaction). They reach PB Falcon, an IDAP helicopter heading east (toward China, foreshadowing). One IDAP worker stays behind, refusing to abandon several injured Afghanis. He says that IDAP leadership called them for a general evacuation, though no one knows why they flew east. **Several artillery shells will land on the extremist hardpoint to the east**. The Post Commander will approach them, informing them of the location of the strikes, noting that his crew has not pinpointed the position from where the artillery has fired (this will be attributed to the unfathomability that China has fired these, they would likely believe it is an error.) (The pass is barely used IRL)

*Phase 2~*
Setup: %%%Devastate the terrorist strongpoint according to aforementioned specs. | Prepare a 2 car convoy of extremists to intercept Stalker 1 (Armed, but not with .50 cals or GLs if possible) | Have 3 hostiles holed up inside one building, we will be RCing these. | Scatter injured/mostly dead around the compound (Extremists and civilians alike) | **Prepare for PLA invasion**

Stalker 1 will move along the road to the extremist hardpoint, encountering 2 terrorists vehicles fleeing from the massacre. They will engage Stalker, a firefight ensuing. After the engagement, they will carry on to the compound. They will find that the compound is near completely devastated. As they walk in, 2 terrorists will start firing at them from a building, full auto. They should be able to dispatch the two, after this, they will investigate the compound. They will find an injured insurgent, who curses them for obliterating them so completely before shortly dying. (He blames the US for what the PLA did, a one off event, PLA will be blamed for ever increasing atrocities throughout the campaign. He either does this or warns Stalker that the PLA is coming, however he uses a Pashto word to describe them, not completely revealing what is about to happen).

*Phase 3*
Setup: Have USMC and ANA forces occupy the blocks surrounding the governor's palace | Have minor amounts of USMC on rooftops around the embassy | Make it sound like there are firefights coming from all around the city | Send fleets of transport helis over Stalker | Prepare a RP/LZ zone around PB Falcon for airmobile infantry | Prepare a PLA assault group to engage the US Armored Column | **Destroy the bridge** make rubble and hide the bridge |Prepare a RP/LZ zone to the south of the Governors Palace

As they finish the conversation with the dying extremist, a fleet of PLA *unarmed* transport helicopters will fly over head, as J-10/J-16 fighter jets begin hammering the city and PB Falcon. (PLA Attack Helicopters will *not* be used until later). The Post Commander of PB Falcon will radio Stalker 1 to rtb, requesting immediate assistance. Stalker 1 will arrive to find that PB Falcon has been/is being overrun by PLA Air Mobile infantry, an engagement ensuing. Depending on how fast Stalker 1 arrived, they will have the Post Commander alive and kicking to instruct them to head to the Consulate for orders. As they follow the road back to the bridge, the prior mentioned US Armor Column will be engaging advanced elements of a PLA Armor Division, these will likely be airlifted/highly mobile weapons platforms. They will come upon the bridge destroyed, having to find another route across. They will head to the consulate, not yet overtaken by hostile airborne. The consulate will be scattered with various wounded from massive PLA bombardments of the city. They will be instructed to assist the governors palace.

What is one key thing that should be exercised while running an event?: Common sense

How often can you be online?: About 2

Do you have a working microphone?: no L+deaf

Please state one reference (optional): Banzai
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