Antloin's Game Master Application

Everyone can vote for me to be a Game Master!

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Sep 27, 2017
Antloin's Game Master Application

In-Game Name: Antloin

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:28475316

Steam Profile Link:

Age: I am 17 years old!

Timezone: my time zone is YEKT

Hours Played on Server: 6 Hours

Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned? If yes, explain in detail: No I haven't been kicked or banned on the server.

Do you have any experience being staff on GMOD? If yes state what server,positions and time period: Yes, I was a staff member in SCP-RP, NaziRP. I abandoned the staff duties as both of these roleplay servers has lost ability to Roleplay.

Do you have experience with ULX commands?: Yeah I do! And I am gonna listen them below.
!god - Makes you feel like a god by not accepting a damage from anyone and anything.
!cloak - Ho god! You're an invisible snake!
!bring - Bring someone to your place where nobody else will see you (sounds pedo) and the rule breaker won't interrupt any further RP situations.
!goto - Teleport to someone to see what's going on and/or catch a rule violator
!hp - Set someone's health
!give - Antloin tfa_someblasternamehere or something else such as: entities, weapons, props, vehicles. In order to give yourself anything using that command, you gotta copy and paste the code of the thing you want to take.
!burn - Burn someone to make him Anakin The II and then Star Wars Episode 8 huge plot twist.
!jail - Jail someone for doing huge dirty things!
!jailtp Jail someone for doing huge dirty things and teleport that bad guy to the super prison! (AKA Teleport a mingebag to you, but imprisoned)
!ban - Take out a ban hammer and ban someone! You can also change the time of the ban, for example !ban Larry 1d 
d- day
w - week
m - months
y - years
In order to make a ban permanent, you type 0 right after the name of the rule violator.
!kick - and reason to kick someone
!warn - name of the violator and reason
That's it.

What can you bring to the Staff team?: I can bring Night Duty for a staff team and a server, I can bring events that will amaze or impress players, and bring more and more new players!
I have no reason to abuse powers and no plans to do so, I only want to do good things for a community and a playerbase.

Why would you like to join the PR staff team?: I would like to join the staff team in order to improve the performance of the staff team, make less-mingebags and keep the community clear, from the mingebags or mingy Youtubers in order to keep community clean from any further mingebags, if a staff member can't kick/ban youtuber chap, it shows weakness of the community to solve the situation with a Youtuber/Mingebag. Better to have a talk with a guy, friend, youtuber, e.t.c.

Why should we accept you over other applicants?: I recommend you the quality of the performance from me, however, my activity isn't so good due to the school and so on, especially my time zone, but I promise to be active and atleast be on nighty-duty. I have no reasons to overtake someone's willing to become GM, just because I am better than them, everyone can do mistakes, and we all know it, so if I f*ck up one day, someone else will replace me, and this will keep happening and happening.

Sample event (typed up event script):
Morning Attack​

Event script written by Antloin
The event starts off with Fleet Members adverting a hang-up for all troopers, cadets as well. Troopers can do anything, but not to be loud, Fleet Members may do a disciplinary action for a commander or current high rank in the regiment. Lights may go off (if you can do that) Meanwhile, CIS droids are planning an sudden-attack, with a loose wedge of the Vulture Droids, bombers, and Droid Dropships.

Meanwhile, Fleet Members are receiving weird-decrypted messages from an unknown sender, fleet members still can encrypt the message they've received, fleet members are breaking heads on the secret, meanwhile, CIS Ships are coming near the Venator "Renegade II" as well as a Training-Ship Cypher. Fleet members are not paying attention to the incoming battle ships, a bridge receives damage from the Vulture Droid, Bombers are beginning to bomb a Venator ship, damaging next: Engine room, bridge, shield generator (can't raise shields to 80 %) and EOD's barracks! Unfortunately EOD troopers were sucked out of the ship and they died outside the ship, EOD's room is now isolated. Fleet Members are requesting more EOD troopers. Left Hangar opened, letting a Droid Dropship to activate droids and make them kill clone troopers. Super Battle Droid, B2 Battledroid. Then EOD has arrived, but they can't get inside due to the droids in left hangar and malfunctions of the rest of the hangars, troopers will have to clean up the droids and let EOD land.
The ship is burning, causing more explosions, base "Cypher" is also receiving damages but is trying to defend itself. The Main Hangar opened due to malfunctions, fleet members are ordering troopers to evacuate, LAATs were dispatched at the Main-Hangar, but unfortunately Droid Bomber bombed all of the LAATs, causing more deaths of the Clone-Troopers, the battalion has no other option rather than to fight back and request assistance from near-by Venators. Droids are being activated in all hangars, forcing clone troopers to get on a 3rd deck and get all of the patients from medbay to the 3rd floor, medical outpost was built in 3rd floor, troopers are defending themselves, while droids are destroying engine-room, security protocol was activated which isolates engine-room, but it won't last long.
Then! A Venator "Multiverse" comes out of the hyper-space, destroying droid ships and launching LAATs to rescue the troopers. Engine-Room was breached, lights go out, and droids are beginning to destroy everything, troopers counter the droids and help clones on the 3rd floor to get out of there and help the rest of the clones. EOD Troopers are fixing the ship, as well as Engine-Room. Venator was damaged horribly, a whole battalion is in fear as a Munificent may come into the fight, but it won't happen.
Behind The Scenes: Fleet members do actually receive a decrypted message, but they shouldn't be able to encrypt it, but they can actually encrypt it. Loose Wedge of the ships is impossible, maybe few ships, we can take someone who can fly the ships, who? EOD, yeah they are to be picked by a staff to be droid-pilots, who will bomb the venator. If some pilot-ship died, they may become a B2 Battledroid, or Super-Battledroid.
Engine-Room is a lie! But it gotta exist, right? The Main-Hangar must be opened by a staff members.
Not every clone should go to the LAATs, we can't just let everyone die, so blow up the LAAT when there isn't much troopers, but make sure atleast 15 clones. Battalion "Multiverse" is actually another GMod community. I was in there, really good server! EOD got really loads of jobs to do, but they'll get someone special who can boost up the fix of the ship. Someone must spawn really a lot of droids, so then all clones would be forced to go to the 3rd floor, if it failes, then tp command in help.

What is one key thing that should be exercised while running an event?: The main key is a Teamwork, everyone should be able to communicate with each-other, and everything will go successful. But if someone is not listening and just wants it go by their own way, then this may break the event and it won't be impressing or good for players, it'll be more harder to pay attention to people who violate rules, instead of doing an event. I may accept a harsh decision, but to cancel the event, if people are acting that way.

How often can you be online?: As much as I can, but not obviously in school time

Do you have a working microphone?: Nope, sorry, I am a chatty-talkie!

Do you have a smartphone?: Yeah, Iphone SE

Please state one reference (optional): I think Tiger and the community if they agree or want me to be a Game-Master, if they don't really want me to... Well I won't be angry or upset about it, its just a wrong time to type an application maybe...


You there! Don't step on the end of the forum threads it makes the antlion's crazy!
Oh my god, Lazslo are you alright? #SaveLazslo


Oh my god! What are you- NO NO NO DON'T GO IN THE END AAAAHHHHH!!! HELP U-

You monster, why would you do that?


Aug 17, 2017
+1, not only does the event sound fun and exciting but also unique and that shows that you can do events that are not the average event where you go to a planet to kill droids. I also think teamwork is a key part to events, I have had one ruined by someone not working with me but against me. Also in game as far as I can see you are a great player and RPer. I hope you get accepted into the Game Master Team. GOOD LUCK!


Aug 17, 2017
And yes I know the apps are closed, I just really liked the event idea

[MVG] Jerloc

Sep 23, 2017
United Kingdom
Then why Feds made an application too? And the warning about applications being closed is not seen almost, it should've been like, stickied.
God damn it, wasted my morning for this thing.
Well... Thanks for the support.

If you are Denied for applying when closed you may just use the same application again


Aug 19, 2017
Texas, United States of America
You will be Granted A Trial Event if you Pass this event you will be Accepted into Gamemasters, You can pick a Interview Date by today (10/10/17) and Friday (10/13/17)
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