40cal's Support Staff Application

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Active Member
Aug 20, 2017
Massachusetts, United States of America
In-Game Name:

327th Captain Forty

Steam ID:


Steam Profile Link:






Hours Played on Server:

4 Days, 22 Hours since utime was added.

Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned? If yes, explain in detail:

No, I've never been involved in an RP breaking or rule breaking situation.

Do you have any experience being staff on GMOD? If yes, state what server, positions, and time period:

Yes, I've staffed on two servers in my past, I tend to stray from staffing unless it's a server that I enjoy thoroughly. Servers that I've staffed on include the following.

Server: Paradise Networks TTT Branch
Senior Administrator - I served as a Senior Administrator on Paradise Network's TTT server about 4-5 months ago, it shut down roughly a week before I first joined CODEX Networks, Riddick's server before Project Renegade.
Server: Sweet Massacre RP
Staff Director - I was a staff director on a small DarkRP server called Sweet Massacre RP over a year ago, the server lasted about 4 months.

Are you currently staff on another server?:

No, and don't plan to.

Do you have experience with ULX commands?:

Yes, I have a lot of experience with using ULX commands. I have binds to both open up the ULX menu and warn menu so I can quickly distribute punishments or finish staff related circumstances with ease. I'm also familiar with typing out ULX commands in chat quickly and where the time and target would be placed in a chat command. I have a decent WPM rate with few mistakes if it does come down to me typing a command into chat.This is mostly due to my TTT staffing past where I would deal with ULX/warn related situations often. As well as all this, I'm familiar with the use of whitelisting to add onto this topic.

What can you bring to the Staff team?:

What I can bring to this staff team is an active staff member who understands to balance time between RP jobs and being on duty. Seeing as I currently act as I battalion lead, I understand that I will have two important jobs on the server that I must do my best at. As a staff member, I take that role very seriously and realize that I represent the server and I need to act as presentable as possible to players. In tense situations, I'd like to say I'm good at keeping myself calm and contained even when I may want to get aggressive or angry towards a player or subject.

Why would you like to join the PR staff team?:

I would like to join the Project Renegade staff team to contribute to this server, which I enjoy playing on and interacting with the players in it. I can enforce the serious aspect of the server onto players and distribute punishments where they are needed. Mainly, I'd like to say I'm an experienced staff member, and, as I stated before in other points, I'm able to quickly solve a situation that staff would be needed to solve. I also strive my best to help new players and be approachable as possible, as in someone a player could ask questions to or ask for help to. When I'm training recruits through the citadel process, I explain how the squad system works and make sure they understand it due to the possibility of it being confusing. I also explain how the crafting system works after they've gathered scrap from their citadel run, and tell them to contact me if they have any questions about the server or how it works.

Why should we accept you over other applicants?:

I feel I should be accepted over other applicants because of my ability to recognize when I need to take action on a situation and my ability to contain and control a situation. As I stated in my last few points, I strive my best to be calm, organized, approachable, and a good representation of the server. I take these responsibilities very seriously and do my best to apply them to my actions. Anyways, I respect the decision to choose other applications over me, but I'm just displaying what I believe I'm good with and why I think I would be a good addition to the staff team.

How often can you be online?:

I can be on at around 5:00 PM to 10:00 PM EST during weekdays if not more. During the weekends I can be on most of the day unless I have plans or I'm doing something else in real life, which would sum up to about 3-6 hours during each day of the weekend. I'm currently looking for a job so if this changes, I will be sure to inform everyone. Also, a side note, I have over 3,400+ hours of playtime of Garry's Mod, I don't leave my PC on or use an idle bot either. As well as all this, I've been in all three YouTube videos that were posted on the server which shows my activity in action.

Do you have a working microphone?:

Yes, most of the time at least. Sometimes my mic cuts out or stops working completely and I have to take time to fix it.

Do you have a smartphone?:

Yes, and when I'm not home I'm using it to check Discord or the forums.

Please state one reference (optional):


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Aug 17, 2017
From my perspective, you are a good player over all. Not once have I seen you break any sort of server rules. I would be glad for you to be apart of this staff team. +1


Active Member
Aug 31, 2017
Columbus, OH
Huge +1
Dedicated RPer, mature player, would be a great addition to the team
Aug 19, 2017
Thanks for applying! You have shown us your a more than mature, respectful player. Your interview will be held anytime this weekend (October 13 - October 15).
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