
  1. Atomic_Niko

    Accepted Unban Appeal

    In-Game Name: Ion SteamID: Atomic-01 Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199085229967/ Date of ban?: 1/16/23 What you were banned from: Gmod Server and Military Discord Staff member that banned you?: Clone trooper archangel or "7/11 was a part-time job" Why were you...
  2. Klaidas skrebys

    Ming Jo Unban

    In-Game Name: CT PVT 0338 Ming Jo SteamID: (Go here to get your SteamID) STEAM_0:0:81732135 Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/klaidasskrebys/ Date of ban?:30/10/2018 Staff member that banned you?:me no remenber me have video mayve this help Why were you banned?:Minge but me...
  3. Bosi

    I Wish To Be Unbanned - 1 Day Ban -

    IGN - 104th 0102 PVT Vyper STEAM_0:0:207137365 http://steamcommunity.com/id/ZipZopZubbityBop/ 10/7/17 Unkown, at the time it was an event, the name of the figure was Apparition I believe, and he had the look of darth vader the one time I saw him. " Not Taking Event Serouisly " - 1 Day Ban I...