lore characters

  1. Legendary Grey

    Data File Code name: Grey {update}

    Username: Fleet Admiral W**** Y****** Password: ****** --------------------------------------------------GRANTED------------------------------------------------------------ Code-name: Grey Race: Human status: defective, on the verge of collapse Origins: Unknown Bio: Restricted notes: we...
  2. Legendary Grey

    Data File Code name: Grey

    Username: Fleet Admiral W**** Y****** Password: ****** --------------------------------------------------GRANTED------------------------------------------------------------ Code-name: Grey Race: Human status: active undercover Origins: Unknown strengths: he is an ex-senate commando...
  3. [MVG] Jerloc

    Models for XOs COs and Lore Characters

    The post from Forty for CO models; http://www.projectrenegade.net/threads/commander-models.272/#post-1672 We already have Jedi Lore Characters but where are the Clone Lore Characters at? Instead of staff modelling people into their uniforms we should at least try and make the jobs for them...